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LabCorp MaterniT21 wait times - February 2025 Babies | Forums | What to Expect | Page 2 (2)


So I had my blood draw on Tuesday, August 13 and my LabCorp profile still shows nothing..did anyone’s give updates and what were the turn around times? The last I see is my 3year olds test results �� but I’m so excited to at least know they’re working on my next!

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Following , I had my blood drawn Monday Aug 12 and still nothing. My Dr office told me I’d get results this week so I’m hopeful to wake up to an email tomorrow morning but I don’t remember waiting this long with my last 2, it’s so hard to be patient

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I had mine drawn on the 12th and they said they received it on the 13. Have you gotten yours back yet ?

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no still nothing, but I called them and they said the lab (San Diego location) received it on 8/13 too.

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I don’t want to scare you-this ends in good news, but the first time I got them drawn, Labcorp lost them lol. BUT once I got them re-drawn, it only took 4 days between the day of the blood draw and the day they showed up in my Labcorp portal. I didn’t get any notification from Labcorp that my results were back, just kept checking the portal. So don’t expect an email or anything, just keep refreshing!

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I did materniT21 exactly a week ago and I’m so annoyed to not have any results yet

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girl same been a full week now

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I finally got results today! Over a week!

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Just got my email from labcorp with the results at 830pm Friday 8/16 after getting my labs drawn on Monday Aug 12 FYI

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Mine took about 5 days, I had my blood drawn on a Thursday and got the results on a Tuesday

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I had mine on 8/13 as well and the results came into my inbox this morning!

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Drawn Thursday 8/15 at 7:30am. Results this morning at 3am in Labcorp portal/9am in doctors portal

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Mine was exactly a week!

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I just did my MaterniT21 draw today! I’m the most impatient person ever I hope my results don’t take too long to come back ��

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It took 4 days for me including the weekend

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