The Palm Beach Post from West Palm Beach, Florida (2024)

NC sl THE PALM BEACH POST SATURDAY, MARCH 12, 1994 9D RADIO Begley enjoys role in soap opera-like series TV Today SLONDIE DEAN YOUNG STAN DRAKE ENJOVINS I I'VE NEVES BEEN TO 6UO 1 LOVE EVERYTHING AND I I WE SOLD THEM ALL THOSE I'VE PICKED UP--' WELL 1 THINGS AT OUR -W90ULO 6ARAG6 SALg STARS (6-8 a.m. WSBR-AM 740): Host: Anita Finley. Scheduled guest: John Flynn, president and CEO at Palm Beach Blood Bank. Your Good Health (9-11 a.m. WJNO-AM 12301330): Co-hosts: Jennifer Ross and Dr.

David Vastola. Weekend Radio (11 a.m.-noon WQCS-FM 88.9): Scheduled program: Welcoming the swallows back to Ca-pistrano and the buzzards back to Hinckley, Ohio. Mike Walker's Gossip Page (11 a.m.-l p.m. WJNO-AM 12301330). Golden Classics (noon-6 p.m.

WPOM-AM 1600): Soul and rhythm and blues classics. NPR World of Opera p.m. WQCS-FM 88.9): Scheduled program: Dialogues of the Carmellties. Kent Nagano, conductor. Thistle A Shamrock (8-9 p.m.

WQCS-FM 88.9): Scheduled program: Leading Irish piper Davy Spillane. Jazzset (10-11 p.m. WQCS-FM 88.9): Scheduled program: A salute to Tito Puente. Bluesstage (1-2 a.m. WQCS-FM 88.9): Scheduled program: A return appearance by guitarist Little Milton.

Winnetka Road: 10-11 tonight, WPTV-Channel 5. By SCOTT WILLIAMS AP Television Writer NEW YORK Ed Begley Jr. folds his long frame into a comfy chair and grins contagiously when pressed about his new series, the slightly soap operatic Winnetka Road, joining NBC's prime time tonight. "Sure, it's a soap. But it's a biodegradable soap!" he protests.

Begley, a six-time Emmy nominee for TV's hallowed St. Elsewhere, and justly praised for the short-lived Parenthood, is happy to have found a great new series character. He plays "the guy who left his wife for an aerobics instructor and finds out, well What DO you talk about at At the same time, our guy misses his wife (Catherine Hicks) and his 2.2 kids with eyes that open and close when not ban Chicago would seem a far cry from the tonier L.A. districts of Messrs. Spelling and Vincent.

Oak Bluff, we read, "provides the backdrop for a sophisticated and quirky look at the romances and relationships among a group of people who are trying to find a little love and understanding in an increasingly complicated world." That means plenty of handsome young men and lovely young women. The cast includes Meg Tilly, Josh Bro-lin, Kristen Cloke, Kurt Deutsch and Megan Ward. So this is sort of like Beverly Hills high schoolers? Or trendy Angeleno twentysomethings on. the Fox network? Not so, according to Begley. Winnetka Road has more to do with the diminished expectations of the '90s.

"It's not like the '80s, where everybody's doing well," he said. "Here everybody's emotionally or financially on the rocks." focused on the video-game screen. Mostly, he misses his wife. "He misses that camaraderie, that friendship, all that is dear in a marriage that did work for some time," Begley said. "He would like to have that back but doesn't know how to get there.

"Yet he wants it all, and goes back and forth like a windshield wiper between the aerobics instructor and the wife and she's as confused as he is," Begley said. "That's interesting stuff to investigate." The series was created and produced by John Byrum (Razor's Edge and. Middle Ages) under executive producers Aaron Spelling and E. Duke Vincent (Beverly Hills, 90210 and Melrose Place.) Winnetka Road, set in the fictional community of Oak Bluff read subur GARRY TRUDEAU ANDY CAPP POONESBURY REGGIE SMYTHE SOMHYDIPPROFBSGCR. PEADMAN AUAPDA 6RACG THAT HAS OUT OPTOUCH MM CURRENT AT ladies and PLAlHTtFPHASkWe WCASS AN CONTEXT, THAT APPLYING A STAWARD ROM ANOTHER VMB IS WHY PIP YOUUENT YOU CO IT? LAW SCHOOL, DIPNTYOU i meorrt Sll'S iMTMiAWMl MTM I iff ANHMCA lT(Cn PC A I KtflrSTV LOOKTVItS MOWINO, II dontwow wwvt -rue JUDGE PARKER woody wilson harold ledoux I 1 Wl KACZ I 1 I THERE'S NO ANSWER ON NO.

OONT 1 I PERHAPS YOU JL MELMUTH'9 PRIVATE LINE 1 WANT TO AlERT AAADE ARE RIGHT. I'LL CALL VB RA SHB'U. ANYONE CALL AAUST KNOW WHERE HE 19 YOUR SISTER VI I REACH OUT TO MIMI CAN BEGIN tela ij- i saV FIRST jmar- THIS HAS GONE ON KTHE HEALING HOROSCOPE BRIDGE BY ALFRED SHEINWOLD AND FRANK STEWART South dealer North-South vulnerable NORTH 10642 P9863 05 AJ104 If today Is your birthday: For the first time, important personal goals are a just out "of your reach by April, you can reach them and move upward. May puts you on an financial road. Decisions about career and locale are finalized in June.

Plan to travel "kTJuly, when good deals abound. Aries (March 21-Apil. 19). You have that astounds friends, and lovers call on your intuitive powers. Dating is serious questions will be -explained next week.

Taking a short trip will bring you luck. Taurus (April 20 -May 20). Maximize your hourly rate to accommodate monetary goals that are crystallizing in your mind. Products that aid learning sell best now. Make another push toward a family EAST J75 9K4 097642 985 WEST AQ93 5AJ OJ108 K762 ALEX K0TZKY APARTMENT 3-G FT 77l7 UE 9 four losers: two spades and two trumps.

To get a fast discard for a spade loser, South led the queen of clubs and a club to the jack, then threw a spade on the ace. Last club South next led a trump from dummy. West won with the jack, cashed the ace of spades, and led his last club. East ruffed with the king, and West's ace of trumps took the setting trick. Dummy's 10 of clubs was a magic card, but South failed to use it.

After pitching a spade on the third club, South should lead the 10 of clubs and throw his last spade. This loser-on-loser play saves the contract; South later draws trumps and loses only two trumps and a club. Daily question YOU HOLD: 4 10 64298630 5 A 10 4. Your partner opens INT, and the next player passes. What do you say? ANSWER: You'd like to bid two clubs, the Stayman Convention, hoping partner can bid a four-card major suit.

But if he bids two diamonds, denying a major, you'll be in the soup. (If you next bid 2NT, partner might go on to a hopeless game.) Pass at INT. SOUTH K8 VQ10752 OAKQ3 Q3 West North Dbl 3 All Pass East Pass South IS? 4V Opening lead Gemini (May 21-June 21). Your decision-making mechanism is quick and accurate, making you a great leader. Allow youngsters to step onto their soap boxes for a limited amount of time.

Persistence pays in cash. Cancer (June 22-July 22). March on without waiting for positive feedback your actions are surprising only to those uninformed of your goals. Take time to understand poetry, solve equations and learn music. Leo (July 23-Aug.

22). This weekend, let yourself totally relax. An end you consciously left loose takes care of itself. New Everyone's entitled to an occasional dummy with magic cards. When your day comes, be ready.

Today's South had no business bidding game. North's raise to three hearts was a preempt, and West's double promised spade strength; hence South's king of spades worth about as much as a deuce. South took the first trick, noting J.UNB.Y SINCE iLODcfeTTS LEFT Vou.pzofTypu sem as wbaa. the lonelv people, where doWe, so Lonb-v swce the LI I all belons? MARY WORTH john saunders joe giella Strength and heart power comes when you put yourself first. Money worries melt away, I 1 1 Virgo (Aug.

23- Sept. 22). Flesh plans BY STEVE BECKER East dealer. East-West vulnerable. NORTH 4643 A6 109863 4754 GASOLINE ALLEY JIM scancarelli WEST 10 9 8 2 10 7 4 3 52 462 EAST 75 VKJ62 AQ4 QJ109 out vividly love affairs gain gusto with special shared experiences this weekend.

Avoiding premature statements about business keeps you from eating your words. Libra (Sept. 23-0ct. 23). An extra shot of courage helps you take care of business with grace and punctuality.

You are fantastically attractive to the opposite sex. Invest in your appearance. Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 21).

Your hold on emotions and money is broken down by inspiration everyone is impressed with your new openness. Acts of charity lead to romantic meetings. Arrange to test out a new theory. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec.

21). A friend's recognition brings pleasant benefits for you. Win the approval of in-laws by taking initiative among varying influences. New ways to display your talent are around the comer. Capricorn (Dec.

22-Jan. 19). A tug on your heartstrings becomes a yank, and you are set into positive action. Let loose this weekend shop, dance and visit historic sights. Luck in love comes when you move around.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Prepare for a friendly visit. Anything that connects you to a former love will bring back happy I we've A cioso Now's our) chance! That's 1 "By day he alwaue i ay srAfcj rlQh-k! devours the Sign preulBunioht wanted itJ II yL Ji here, he divides the to 24 points, and the missing high cards are the A-K-Q of spades, queen of hearts, K-J of diamonds and A-K of clubs.

That comes to 22 points and South presumably has all of them. Your first problem is whether to take the king of diamonds. West's five is likely to be either a singleton, which would make the contract unstoppable, or the top of a doubleton, which means that South started with K-J-7. Either way, it won't matter whether you win this diamond or the next one, so let's say you take the king with the ace. The next problem is what to return.

If you choose the neutral return of a spade or a club, South is sure to make at least nine tricks. He'll force out your queen of diamonds and score three spades, one heart, three diamonds and two clubs. You don't want this to happen, so you make the sparkling return of the king of hearts. You don't know whether this play will do the job, but you do know that no other return has a ghost of a chance. As it happens, your king play knocks South out of the box.

Your partner has the 10 of hearts, so, when you duck the jack of diamonds next, South can amass only eight tricks. Killing dummy's entry by sacrificing your king of hearts proves to be an unusual but necessary play. SOUTH AKQ VQ98 7 AK83 The bidding: East South Pass 2 NT North 3 NT West Pass CURTIS KAY BILLIINbbLtT Opening lead jack of spades. -n JUMBLE CURTIS, THE MEI6HB0I5 we towiAIMlNS ABOUT wen, thevto NOT TELUN'fOU TH6T M6 Chi TUB VTKE6T WHEM I'M 4UPFXKED TOUK WUftC Umcrambto theM tour JutntolM. on totter to tquare, to form four ordinary words.

TO 7CHOOL memories, and herein lies the answer to a present relationship quandary. Bargains go Assume you're East, defending to the bold. against three notrump, and West leads Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20). A lover's a spade.

Declarer wins with the queen secrets are made and kept this weekend. A and plays the king of diamonds, West simple discovery boosts your earning quo- following suit with the 5. How would tient. Remove yourself briefly from the you defend the hand? social scene upon your return, your You can't see declarer's cards, but popularity soars. it isn't hard to figure out what he has.

JOYCE JILLSON He opened two notrump, showing 22 RARBI LAANC I 1 I I Y'T I LJ LJ ft QlSift S3 STUMPED? For help call 1 -900-454-6873. The cost is 99 cents a minute. Push-vilUSwiiVnli button or rotary phones. For more crossword fun see the Classified section. DUBOYE Solution time: 23 mlns.

hcw Tny FED THE OF LOVE. AMD THPCW MOT TtlUM' HE WOULD EEL I YOU BROKE INTO THEIR LUCKY HE 3UVT bT HOUSE, RIGHT 1 THtTRE HER COMPUNT Et MOT AflMQ I'M KUMN1N3 ABOUT MUSIC 1 Alt WITH A TALPEA I I I 11 1 I I I Now anang tha cfrded Mtars fo. form tha aurprisa arwwar, a sug-geatad by tha above cartoon. A 1BO VflL AM j3 1. B.

RL iMiIH 1 ado XEll-lf i EjFigfT A PQDA VS rj7i sTf i gANKC TGO LT TPME r-r? ru yjoH yJOJA InIaId i at bjn ALL yIsIo SI ONE Ml ITitlLlI MIA TIJt A OL TED Print tnswer hen: I I Xl XXJ? (Anfwtrv Mondy) i 15 IS 15 no in T5 ii Tf Tl 19 20 23 124 25 I 28 29 VaJ HsB fc mm 31 mtm 32 S3 34 rH3S 31 40 41 42 43 44 JJ 4g J7 43 33 515 51 55 53 YeMntet JumbM: BIRCH AUGUR BABIED VACUUM Anawar What they called tha balwwhoaoldtham 1 stale bread A BIG CRUMB Yesterday's answer 3-12 CRYPTOQUIP CRYPTOQUOTE ACROSS 1 Non-Gentile 4 Police alerts: abbr. 8 Homer and Marge's son 12 was 13 United nations 14 Medicinal plant 15 It'll get you moving 16 Dog own-' ers ritual 17 React to a pun? 18 She played Holly Golightly 21 Chowder-' head 22 French pronoun 23 early light" 26 Leaf droplets 27 Not square 30 Actor 31 Belonging to us YTZPXGYTFF Mac-pherson 50 Dander 51 Stench 52 BPOE 53 Blue DOWN 1 Diner brew 2 Birthright barterer 3 Orchestra section 4 Convent bigwig 5 Shake- GSRPFXM JSQP GE YX GWX JDECM ATGWXD EA YECQRSQU YTYH YEH. 32 Medal earner 33 Columnist Smith 34 Got a Secret" 35 One of Franklin's certainties 36 Estival quaff 37 Greek 381967 movie 45 Emcee 46 Fashion line 47 Calendar abbr. 48 Part 49 Model FZAB KXP WAAS KXP CPUYA ZTW GK ZTJ QVXSZAJ, FZAB KXP VADIA, KXP CPUYA ZTW GK ZTJ ZADNS. NPJJTDB ONXIANG Yesterday's Cryptoquote: THE AVERAGE MAN'S JUDGMENT IS SO POOR, HE RUNS A RISK EVERY TIME HE USES IT.

ED HOWE 35 Topics 36 Subsequently 37 White Cliffs of Dover makeup 38 Poetic preposi 40 European capital 41 He got the point across to his son 42 Elevator name 43 Emanation 44 Ross film, with "The" 26 About to arrive 27 Whammy 28 Earlier than 29 Not neg. 31 Supervise 32 '60s musical 34 Berlin's "What'll 9 Fraternal fielder 10 Leonine line 11 Neighbor of Mo. 19 Row 20 "Wham 23 Dolores Rio 24 Jackie's second 25 Diana Yesterday! Cryptoqulp: IF RECORDING ENGI- NEER FINALLY GETS MARRIED, HE'LL PROMISE HIGH speare output 6 This and that 7 Machiavellian 8 Saltan's fawn FIDELITY. Today's Cryptoqulp clue: equals tion 39 Unfinished furniture?.

The Palm Beach Post from West Palm Beach, Florida (2024)
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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

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Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.