Leader-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

4 all I Lake Central Granted Switch In Schedules; No Affect Here NO AFFECT Lake Central Airline officials at Marion Municipal said last night the CAB authorization would. not affect local traffio schedules in any way, other than an additional stop might be made for cargo or mail pickup. WASHINGTON (AP)-The Civil Aeronautics Board has authorized Laken Central Airlines to limit service at Richmond, Marion. and Logansport-Peru, as 1. By loverflying (eliminating the 1: Red Physicist Gives.

A-Plan GENEVA (AP) -A Soviet nuclear physicist Tuesday called for international cooperation -pooling brains, solve the materials problem and machines- a peaceful power from the H-bomb reaction. the time needed for as to That "will undoubtedly shorten, at our ultimate goal," declared Prof. L. A. Artsimovich in an ad'dress to the Atoms-for-Peace conference.

4 Controlled H-fusion 'could produce unlimited electric power from abundant hydrogen atoms in the seas 'to meet world power needs. for millions of years. Finding the solution "will require a maximum concentration of intellectual effort and the zation of. every appreciable material facilities and complex ap paratus," Artsimovich declared. "Combing efforts.

on an international scale" will this goal, he said. So. difficult is the problem that Western scientists have estimated it would take 10 to 20 years to discover a practical method, and then that producing practical economical H-power might well elude scientists until the end of this The United States, Britain and Russia announced early in the conference that they were dropping all secrecy about their H-fusion experiments, which are directed along generally the same lines. Artsimovich said the cooperation 'conference should be refurther developed. The H-fusion problem "seems to have been created especially for the purpose of developing close cooperation between 'the scientist and the engineers various countries working at this problem acto a common and exchanging plane of their calculations, experiments and engineering 'Artsimovich said.

U.S. scientists off the record indicated the Soviet proposal would be welcome and 1 likely accepted. Election Held By Plane Club Marion Model Airplane Club officers, elected Monday at a meeting at Center Township School, have assumed office and are preparing an agenda for the year's activities. Named to office were Philip Burnside, president: Charles Vermillion, vice president: Neil Swartz, secretary-treasurer, and Conrad Shields. senior advisor.

L. Van -is in charge of publicity. Retiring executives are Ralph Landis, president; Glenn Saathoff, vice president, Ed Arlington, secretary-treasurer, and Paul E. Brown, senior advisor, The club was formed under the charter of the American Model Association, Objectives of the club include the assistance to model builders in the construction of model airplanes. assistance in flying model airplanes and host sponsorship of safety factors in model airplane flying.

Before the meeting, several of the 35 members made flights with their planes. 46 New Residence Permits Issued Permits for construction of 46 new homes in Marion and Grant 450.3 estimated cost of County, were issued during August was announced Tuesday. There were 32 homes under construction in August of last year at a cost of $482,500. inspector, also tore reported he had James Hawkins, city, building issued permits the remodeling 44 homes at a total estimated cost of $40,575.25. Other permits were issued for remodeling a business structure.

new church, remodeling church, 000: razing a structure, construction of 12 garages, 044; 17 electrical permits, $1,415, and 16 plumbing permits, $2,397. Ira director of the -Grant County Plan Commission, also issued three permits for commercial buildings at a total estimated cost of $128,500. This included a building for the Frazier Milk the Bell Telephone Co, building on the Sand to serve the southern part Marion and Gas City-Jonesboro area, $119,000, and a building at the Marion Tool and Equipment $8,000. Other permits issued included one for a septic one for a trailer at $150; one special permit far the Kiwanis Club 'to sponsor a circus. During the month seven exclusions were granted.

ISLAND GOVERNOR VISITS GARY. Ind. (AP) -Gov. Munoz Marin of Puerto Rico visited Puer. to Rican colonies in the Calumet Tuesday and said he will make his headquarters in Gary.

until he Thursday at the American Legion's national convention in Chicago. READ THE CLASSIFIED ADS Pr stop)' at Richmond on fall flights between Indianapolis and Cincinnati. Lake Central, however, may not operate shuttle service between Indianapolis and Cincinnati. 2. By limiting service at Richmond, Marion and Kokomo-Logansport-Peru, an the Chicago-Cincinnati route, round trip a day, provided thane, flights between Chicago and Cincinnati serve at least two intermediate' points.

The CAB also authorized the airline to offer flag-stop service at any intermediate points on the Chicago-Cincinnati, CincinnatiColumbus and This Lima permits the (Ohio)-De- carrier to omit landing a plane at any intermediate point scheduled to be served if there are no passengers, cargo or mail: to be delivered or picked up. siona to change Central its flight requested pattern permis- in connection with its scheduled Sept. 1 inauguration of service at Muncie on the Chicago Cincinnati The airline estimated that authority to operate flag-stop service would produce annual economies of $23,754. Marion Markets THOMAS MILLING CO. Wheat Yellow Corn, No.

2 'Oats Soybeans," No. 1 MAC'S HATCHERY Eggs: Large 48; Large 39; Medium 35; Small 28. Grain Market Prices Lower -t Capital Swine Market Active 1 High Low Close Prev. Close Wheat. Sep 1.86⅞ 1.85¾ 1.86¾ Dec 1.93⅛ 1.91¾ 1.92½-⅜ 1 1.92⅞ Mar 1.97¾ 1.96⅜.

1.963 1.97¾ May 1.97½ 1.95⅞ 1.0 1.97½ Jly 1.873® 1.86⅛ 1 1.87¾ Corn (old) Sep 1.25⅞ 1.24½ 1.24⅞ Dec 1.17⅞ 1.16¾ 1.17⅞ Mar 1.217 1.21 1.21⅜ 1.22⅜ Corn (new) Dec' 1.18¾ 1.17¾ 1.18⅛ 1.19 Mar 1.22⅝ 1.21¾ 1.22⅛ 1.23 May 1.24¾ 1.23½ 1.2378-¾ 1.24⅝ Jly 1.27 1.26 1.26 1.26⅞ Oats Sep Dec Mar .671 .68 May Rye Sep 1.25¾ 1.24¼ 1.24⅝ 1.25¾ Dec 1.29 1.27⅜ 1.27⅞ 1.29⅜ Mar: 1.31 1.29½ 1.29⅞-30 1.31¼ May' 1.30½ 1.29⅛ 1.29½ 1.31 Soybeans 2.24% 2.23½ 2.24¼ Nov 2.23¼ 2.21⅜ 2.22-21⅞ 2.23¼ Jan 2.26⅞ 2.25¼ 2.25½ 2.26⅞ Mar 2.30 2.28% 2.2834 2.293 May! 2.3134 2.29⅞ 2.30%8 .2.31 Lard Sep 12.85 13.65 12.82 Oct 12.32 12.17. 12.22 12.27 Nov 11.80 11.72 11.75 11.80 Dre li 11.65 11.57 11.65 11.65 Jan 11.45 11.45 11.45 :11.47 CHICAGO (AP) Nearly all grain future's contracts were thrown for fairly sharp losses of tcday on the Board of Trade. September had the plus sign in the list during most. of the trading. Other corn deliveries were off about a cent or more a bushel.

The old March was off "more than two cents at times. The support for September corn was mainly in short covering. CASH GRAIN CLOSE CHICAGO (AP) Wheat No 2 red 1.84; No 3 1.81-84¼; No 4 red 1.79: No 5. red 1.75; No 2 mixed 1.82¼-83; No 4 mixed 1.77¼. Corn No 1 yellow' 1.30¾: No 2 ycllow 1.30¼-32; No 3 yellow 1.2834- No 4 yellow 1.27½-¾; No 5 vellow 1.27.

Oats No 1 heavy white No 2 heavy white 6312; white No 3 extra heavy white. 63; sample grade extra heavy white No soybeans. Soybean oil' soybean meal unquoted. Barley: malting choice 1.15-1.35; feed, Bond Market Prices Higher NEW YORK (AP) government bonds managed a small recovery Tuesday after taking sharp losses last week. Corporate bonds were irregularly 'lower, Gains in treasury issues ranged from point in some long-term maturities to in the victory 2 of 1972-67.

Many government bonds closed at 1958 low's last week. Corporate bond trading on the New York Stock Exchange totaled $4,470,000 par value compared with $4,550,000 Friday. MUNCIE LIVESTOCK. Hogs: Steady to 25c higher; few No. 1 hogs, 20.65; 210-240 20.05-20.40; 240-280 19.65- 280 360 18.15-19.40; roughs, 19.50 down; stags, 12.50-14; boars, 13.50-15.50.

Cattle: Steady; choice to prime steers, good to choice 21-23; medium to good steers, 18-21; common to medium steers 16-18; good to choice heifers 22.50-24.50; medium to good heifers, 20.50-22.50; common to medium heifers, 16.18; good to choice cows, 17.50-20; fair to good cows, canners and cutters, bulls, 15.50-22.50. Calves: Steady; good to choice veal, 23-28; commercial to good, 20-24; utility, 1 down. Sheep: Steady; slaughter sheep, 16 down. Lambs: Steady at 22.50 down. CHICAGO PRODUCE CHICAGO (AP) -Chicago Mercantile Exchange -Butter firm; receipts wholesale buying prices unchanged; 93 score AA 92 A 90 89 Cars 90 56; 89 Eggs firm; receipts 8,900: wholesale buying prices unchanged; 70 per cont or better grade A' whites standards 33: a a a dirties 29: checks mixed 44; mediums 28; current receipts unquoted.

Assault, Battery Case Delayed Judgment in an assault and battery case was withheld Tuesday by City Judge David L. Kiley pending hearing for 1:30 p.m. Sept. 24. Arthur McWilliams 25.

3400 S. Landess pleaded guilty to the charge in city court yeaterday, The charge. was filed in 'connecwith the beating of Jehn L. Jones. 35, 5 4518 S.

Carey St. last Saturday. Kiley said the delay in handing down the judgment was made in order to determine the extent of Jones' recovery. Marion police arrested. McWilliams Saturday night after Jones was found beaten.

Police said McWilliams used a pole to hit Jones on the head and about' the body. He was taken to Marion General Hospital for treatment and reported in poor condition. Hospital officials said Tuesday his condition was reported as fair. READ THE CLASSIFIED ADS INDIANAPOLIS (AP)-(USDA) -Hogs fairly active, lower: 1-3 190-260 1b 19.75-20.25: mostly, 210-235 20.00-20.25: lb mostly with 1-2 more 20.25- uni35: 30 head 215 lb 20.40: lots 260-310 1b 19.25-20.00; 160-180 lb 18.50-19.25; few lots around 180 lb 19.50: 180-190 1b: 18.50-20.00: sows around 25 lower, mixed 1-3 250-475 lb 18.50-19.00:| 475-600 1b 18.00-18.25. Cattle 3,900: calves 250: slaughter steers 'and heifers fairly active.

steady to strong: cows slow. utility and commercial steady: canners and cutters weak to 50 lower good and low choice slaughter steers 24.00-25.50: cOws 17.50-19.50; canners 24.50: utility and "commercial ters 14.50-17.00; vealers active, steady at 27.00-31.00. Sheep 1.600; fairly active, steady: slaughter lambs 21.00- 22.50; cull to good shorn slaughter ewes 3.50-7.00. GE Says Men, Union Differ NEW YORK (AP) A spokes, for the General Electric Co. said.

Tuesday a stock purchase plan; which the AFL Electrical Workers Union has rejected. appeals to more than 90 per cent of the workers involved. 1 The statement came as and the International Union of: Electrical Workers started negotiations under a reopening clause in a five-year. contract expiring in 1960: James B. Carey, ICE president, said in a letter to the company released in" Washington Monday thalla the purchase plan be financed entirely "out of the employes: own He said there also was "a substantial probability that the company" will save a considerable amount of money." "One of the extraordinaty aspects of the Il 'company's proposal," Carey said, "is that even those employes who would commit themselves to pay 16 per cent of their wages, and thus be entitled to a per cent contribution by the company, would lose money." However, a spokesman at GE headquarters said, it was possible the phaer would cost the company more than present contract commitments.

The GE spokesman an said the plan was introduced after sounding out employe opinion, and it was believed more than 90. per cent wished to participate. GE also began negotiations Tuesday under a similar contract reopening with the United Electrical Workers, an independent union. UE notified GE, as well as the Westinghouse with which it will begin negotiating next week, that it was willing to give up a scheduled 15-cent hourly increased, in return for a week year. Employes of both companies now have a.

40-hour week, except for a Westinghouse: plant in where; the week already is in effect. The' shorter work week, UE estimated, would restore jobs to workers. 000 laid-off Neither company has commented on the CE proposal. Pie Hartke Hits GOP Figures CLAY CITY, Ind. (UPI) -Democratic U.S.

Senate nominee Vance Hartke Tuesday night scoffed at Republican, statistics students in which the whole showstate could qualify by ability and need" for federal science, scholarships. "I believe I could find that many in Clay County," said Hartke. "It will be interesting" to who actually do qualify." note the number from. Indiana Hartke blasted a move by Sen. William.

E. Jenner which would have had 'Indiana left out of a federal education bill. The Evansville mayor is battling Republican nominee Governor Handley for the seat Jenner is vacating. Congress overrode Jenner's amendment, but Hartke said "this move had the backing of two of Jenner's stooges in the Statehouse -my opponent, the governor, and the state superintendent of schools (Wilbur Young). "Together they claimed that only 53 students in the whole state could qualify by ability and need for this assistance.

Hartke charged "members of the Handley ruling clique of the Republican Party are not concerned with the welfare of our children or the needs of our state and nation. "They are more interested in a moment of glory in the spotlight of national publicity." Club Planning 'Bosses' Night' Plans for a dinner meeting Wednesday, Sept. 17, at 6:30 p.m. in' the Community Memorial Building were discussed last night by the executive committee of the Marion Industrial Management. Club.

The meeting will be "'Bosses' Night," with all members urged to bring plant executives to the sessionker will be Arthur Postle, Earlham College, who will talk on 'A New Look At The Old." Executive committee members present last night were Arthur Van Ness, H. A. Schneider, Robert Smith, Wayne Polsley, P. Alexander; Thomas J. Morris and Millard Jefferson.

CLASSIFIED INDEX Deaths Cards of Thanks 2 In Memorium 3 Funeral Directors 5 Monuments Cemetery Lots 6 Personals 7 Lost, Strayed or Stolen 10 Automobiles 11 Trucks for sale 12 Auto accessories, parts 13 Business Services 18 Television Sales Services 18A Heating, Plumbing, Roofing 22 Laundering 24 Employment, Female 32 Male. 33 Employment Male: Female 34 Situations Wanted, Female 36 Situations Wante, Male 37 Business Opportunities 38 Instructions 43 Dogs, Cats, other pets 47 Livestock 48 Farming Implements 48A Grain 48B 11 49 Merchandise .51 Trailers for sale 51A Trailer spaces for rent 51B Building Materials 53 Good Things to' Eat 57 Musical Merchandise 62 Seeds, plants flowers 63 Wanted to Buy 66 Sleeping Rooms 68 Apartments for rent 74 Houses for rent. 77 Houses for sale 84 Lots for sale 85 real estate 89 PHONE 4050 Coming Auction Sales SATURDAY, SERTEMBER 1:00 p.m. 702 E. 27th St.

Personal. Ralph McKinley, owner, Everett Penrod, auctioneer. EVERY WED. NIGHT Community Sale Auction, 845 N. Washington.

Fred' Millspaugh, auctioneer, Don Millspaugh. owner. EVERY TUESDAY NIGHT 7:30 p.m. at Puckett's Merchandise Mart. 27th Bypass.

Puckett Son. Auctioneers EVERY FRIDAY NITE 9th St. Auction House. 116 W. 9th St.

7:00 p.m. Omer Riddle, owner Puckett and Son, Auct. SATURDAY NIGHT 7:00 p.m, Home Corner Auction House. P. Stambaugh, owner.

Ed Shaf. Auctioneer. TUESDAY, SEPT. 9th 11:00 A.M. 14 miles Northwest of Muncie, Ind.

or mi. North of Wheeling or East of Matthews on St. Rd 35. Tractor Implements, Household Goods, Misc. Arnold Modlin, owner Tom auctioneer.

Stock Market Prices Higher NEW YORK (A The stock market began its fall season Tuesday with its best gain in a month. Volume rose to 2,930,000 shares from the dull pre-Labor Day total Jot 2.260,000 on Friday An estimated billion dollars was added to the quoted value of stocks listed on the New York Exchange based on the rise in the Associated Press average. The advance pushed the averages once. again close to their 1958 highs which were reached on Aug. 11.

Public interest in the market was demonstrated, by continued demand for the lower priced issues. Six of the 15 most active stocks sold at or below the price of American Motors which closed at for a gain of The blue chips also got a play, American Telephone rising in active dealings. It was quite a speciality market. however. with interest focusing primarily on Artloom which zoomed ahead before closing with a net gain of only A squeeze on short sellers due to a thin floating.

supply of the stock was attributed by brokers as the main reason for Artloom's rise. A published item that the SEC was inquiring into heavy activity in the stock led to a rush to sell in the final minutes and the quick erasure of the bulk of the gain. Leading stocks, advanced from fractions to well lover a point. There were scattered losers. Nonferrous metals and steels were ahead More selective gains among the oils, rails, rubber and electronics.

Fourteen of the 15 most active stocks advanced and one: was unchanged. U.S. Hoffman ery. The AP 60-stock average rose $1.20 to $185.90 with the industrials up $1.60. the rails up 80 cents and the utilities up 40 cents.

American Stock Exchange es were irregularly higher on volume of 970,000 shares compared with 850,000 Friday. Listing Through Courtesy Of K. J. BROWN INC. 210 Glass Block Marion, Ind.

Tues. Mon. Close Close Allied Paper 87 American Can 47 47 American Elec. Power .42 American Tel. Tel.

Anaconda Corp. Avco Mfg. Bethlehem Steel Chesapeake Ohio' Ry. 61 Chrysler Corp. Consolidated Edison Dana Corporation Electric Auto Light 36 General Foods 69 General Electric General Motors General Tire Rubber 271 B.

F. Goodrich 69 Goodyear 89 Inland Steel Intern't'nal Harvester 38 Kennecott 94 93 Kresge 29 Kroger Grocery 79 Montgomery Ward. National' Biscuit N. Y. Central R.R.

Owens-Ill. Glass Co. 73 J. C. Penney 96 Pennsylvania R.R.

137 Radio Corp. of Republic Steel 58 Sears Roebuck Sinclair Oil Socony Mobile Standard Brands 51 Standard Ind. 4778 Standard Oil, N.J. Swift and Co. Texas Corporation Union Carbide U.

S. Rubber Westinghouse Elect. Western Union F. W. Woolworth Youngstown S.

T. 104 Over The Counter Sales H- Prev. Bid Bid Indiana 15 15 Central Soya 44' 44 Delta Electric 15 15 Foster-Forbes 40 40 Marsh Foodliner 20 20 FAIRMOUNT LIVESTOCK Hogs: 25c lower; 210-240 19.75-19.90; 240-260 19.50-19.65; 260-280 19.25-19.40; 280-300 Sows, steady, 18.75. Cattle and Calves, steady. Buyer by appointment.

The same prices prevail at the Montpelier stockyards. WARREN LAFONTAINE LAGRO LIVESTOCK Hogs: Steady 200-240 19.50; 240-260 19.25; 260-300 50-19; sows, 18.75 down. 5 The same prices prevail at the Rochester CHICAGO POULTRY CHICAGO (AP) -(USDA) -Live poultry no tone; 0 0 00 Friday's receipts were 121,000 wholesale buying prices were unchanged to higher; caponettes over lbs 1 Hogs steady to 25 lower; No. 1-3 mostly 2-3: 200-280 lbs 19.75-20.00; several lots No. 1-2, 200-225 lbs 20.00-20.15; about 250 head No .1 these weights 20.25.

Cattle 24,000, calves 200; slaughter steers heifers steady to 25 higher; spots 50 higher; vealers steady; load prime 1400-lb slaugh-' ter steers 28.75; choice and prime all weights 26.00-28.50; standard and good 23.00-26.00; several lots mostly. prime 1015-1100-lb heifers. 26.75-27.50: bulk good and choice vealers 03 33.00 down. Sheep spring lambs mostly 50 lower; good to prime spring lambs 21.50-25.50; good and choice largely 22.00-24.50;. three decks choice shorn spring lambs No.

1 pelts 24.00. SWEETSER LIVESTOCK 25c higher; 200-220 20 down; sows, up to 330 19 down. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. OF ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATIONS Notice is hereby given the taxpayers, of WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP. GRANT.

County, Indiana, that the proper legal officers of sald municiat seven o'clock. Mon. on day of: pality at their regular meeting, place September 1958, will consider the following additional appropriations which said officers consider, necessary to' meet the extraordinary emergency! existing at this time, LOCAL TAX RELIEF FUND PROPERTY Payment on' new school building project. To be used as payment on New Building Project. $1,588.51 Taxpayers appearing at such meeting shall have a right to be heard thereon.

The additional appropriation as finally made will be automatically referred to the State Board of Tax Commissioners, which Board will hold further hearing within fifteen days at the County Auditor's office of GRANT County, Indiana, or at such other place as may be designated. At such hearing, taxpayers objecting to any of such additional appropriations may be heard and Interested taxpayers may inquire of the County Auditor when and where such hearing will be held. Howard W. White (Trustee or Other Officer of Taxing Unit) M-Sept. 3.

10, 1958 NOTICE OF COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE The undersigned, SAM J. COX, Vice, President and Trust Officer, First National Bank in Marion, Marion, Indiana, Commissioner to sell real estate in Civil Cause No. 27639 in the Grant Superior Court entitled MARY E. WILBER, formerlv. MARY E.

DALRYMPLE and VANCE WILBER, her husband versus JAMES MARTELL DALRYMPLE and SHIRLEY DALRYMPLE, husband and wife, hereby gives notice that pursuant to the order, judgment and decree of said Court, he will offer for sale, at private sale, at 10:00 o'clock A.M., on Friday, September, 5th, 1958 and from day to day thereafter until he shall have sold the same at the Trust Department Offices in the First National Bank in Marion, Marion, Indiana, the following described real estate located in: Grant County, Indiana, to wit: Beginning at a point where the West line of Section 28, Township 24 North, Range 8 East, intersects the West right-af-way line of State Road No. 21, said point being 1099.4 feet North of the Southwest corner of Section 28, running thence Northwesterly along the said right-of-way line 83.3 feet to an iron stake, thence Southwesterly 114.15 feet to an iron stake, thence Southeasterly 75 feet to an Iron thence easterly 117.4 feet to the place of beginning, being 8 part of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 29, Township North, Range 8 East, and containing .21 acre. property consists of a modern room home, gas heat, and attached garage and is located at 6010 South Adams Street, Marion, Indiana. Terms of Sale: Cash, to the highbidder, for not less than the full appraised value, subject to a Martgage held by the First Federal Loan Association, Marion, Indiana, which mortgage. purchaser will assume and agree to pay.

Also, subject to 1958 taxes due and payable in 1959 and thereafter. Sale subject to approval of Grant Superior Court. First National Bank in Marion Marion, Indiana, Commissioner By: SAM J. COX, Its and Trust Officer' ent THURMAN A. BIDDINGER Attorney for Commissioner M-Sept.

3, 1958 CHICAGO, LIVESTOCK (OPI)-Livestock: 1- Coming Auction Sales Marion, Indiana, Leader- Tribune Sept. 3, 1.958 11. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 6TH- ANNOUNCEMENTS BUSINESS SERVICE 10 a.m. Located at the residence of Harold Goff in LaFontaine Lost, Strayed or Stolen 10 'Business Service Offered 18 Household items and antiques. LOST Between Jonesboro and TWIN SEWER SERVICE Smallwood.

Auct. 12:30 Marion, one coil copper wire Clean sewer septic tanks. SATURDAY, SEPT. 13TH approximately 41 lbs. Reward.

McCormick. Ph. Gas City 5801 (cdst) 2 mi. W. mi.

S. of American Transport, Ph. 2474. Eaton, Ind. or 10 mi.

of false Television Sales Service, 18.1 Muncie on St. Rd. 3, then 1 mi. LOST Set teeth. GUARANTEED TV SERVICE west.

8 mi. S. of Fartford City, Phone NO 2-2802. CITY TV SALES SERVICE Gilts, Ewes, Rams, misc. Lau- LOST--Billfold containing money 34th Adams Open 9 to 6 Ph.

5431 rence Ellenberger James E. Love, auctioneers. owners, and Phone 3275 important or 3724. papers! Reward. TV And radio repair.

See the SEPT. 8 at 10 a.m. 11 1958 1262, 6113 Motorolas. evenings. AAA 3221 TV.

S. Felton Phone miles North of Peru on Road 19. AUTOMOBILES Holstein Dairy herd. Rhodes Heating, Plumbing, 22 Fisher, Owners. Schrader CLEANEST Automobiles for Sale 11 FREE ESTIMATES Aucts.

1954 Hudson in Roofing Siding Floor "Tile EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT -7 town; low mileage. 2455 W. 14th. STATE ROOFING 115 E. 6th St.

18th St. Auction. 509 1957 BUICK Riviera door. SEE NELSON'S HEATING CO.18th St. Puckett auction- Hardtop.

Will take equity and for furnace fittings, fair eers. Ralph Cook, manager, oper- older car. Phone 4149. filters, oil filters and nozzles. 1953 OLDS, "98" 4 door.

A-1 con- 514. S. Adams. Phor.e 1700. SAT.

SEPT. 6 at 1 p.m, 4 mile dition or trade for good 1952 south and mi. East of Fair- Chevrolet plus cash. Ph. Warren Laundering 24 mount.

Household furniture and 243-E 5 Mi. E. of 9 37 on 218. WASHINGS AND IRONINGS misc. Mrs.

Wilbur York, Owner. 1955 BUICK Super 2 I door, hard- PHONE 4231-M John Wire, Auct. top. Excellent. $1,500 Sell or trade WASHINGS ironings wanted.

for 55-56 Ford or Chevy Station 2502 S. Nebraska. Phone 1093.1 wagon. 1953 Chevrolet, Standard EMPLOYMENT 1. ANNOUNCEMENTS shift, radio heater A-1.

Ph. MARRIAGE LICENSE NO 2-6714. APPLICATIONS 1949 JEEP STATION WAGON Help Wanted--Female 32 Francis E. Cooper, 1939, War- Phone NO. 4-3916 FOUNTAIN HELP A er, saw, 1940, Army, Marion, to Janet Longs Eileen Cleaners.

Fish- 1949 up. '51 STUDEBAKER V-8 engine, ton bverdrive. pick- FREEL MASON, DRUGS' Marion, electrician, to Irene Ruth FULLER PAINT BODY SHOP in person between. 10 Needed. a.m.-7 Apply p.m.

Richard Alfred Hogston, 1916, $295. WAITRESSES Cummings, 1922, Marion, Waitress. 713 N. Western Ph. NO 2-2100 KNOTTY PINE CAFE Card of VOLKSWAGON 1955 Excellent 31st By Pass We wish to express our thanks to condition.

Ph. Gas City 4191. WANTED Baby sitter Monday all our friends, neighbors, rela- 1947 FORD -Truck, ton, cab thru Friday, 8 a.m: to 2:30 p.m. rives, Rev. G.

Levon Fisher, and over engine, short wheel base, Phone 2908. members of First Christian with 10 ft. take grain off. bed.1 tires LaFon- like ASSISTANT MANAGER. WithChurch for the kindness and taine a YU 1-2791.

in circulation' of this newspaper. new, power sympathy shown us during the Age 25 to 43. Must be well loss of our dear husband and Sedan. Good economical Statesman 2-door trans- groomed, experienced in meet-. 1953 NASH father.

portation. Special ing public, flexable hours, opporMrs. Warder Snyder 1: $495. tunity promotion.1 Car necesMiss Janet Snyder HOLLINGSWORTH MOTORS sary for local driving. For inMrs.

Sherrill Pence. BUY North OR on By-Pass terview. phone 573.. In Memoriam DON MARSHALL AUTO SALES BABY SITTER 8 a.m. 1 p.m..

TRADE AT MAINE In loving memory of 3212 S. Adams St. Phone 1954. my home, have own transportaour husband, father and grand- GOOD USED Phone 773 after 12 noon. CARS father, John Maine, who was KENNY'S AUTO SALES Help Wanted -Male 33 killed one year ago today, Sep- 1015 N.

Washington Phone 5633 WANTED Experienced man for tember 3, 1957. FOR QUALITY USED CARS part time welding. One year has passed since that SEE GRANT IRON METALS sad day loved was taken L-M MOTOR SALES 1625 S. Meridian When the one we 312 W. 2nd St.

Phone NO' 2-2571 FURNACE MECHANICS away hearts liveth still. Experienced. Must have tools and Within our he Auto Trucks for Sale 12 Within our home when all seemed 1951 DODGE -Pickup, ton, good tract. transportation. Top scale or conAnd bright 721 West 8th.

HOLLAND FURNACE Apply took from us a shining light 1955 CHEVROLET 14 ton pick- 323 E. St. 11 We miss that light and always up. Best condition mechanically 4th will $675. EXECUTIVE TYPE SALESMAN His: vacant place there is none JONES AUTO 13th Locally owned business with volcan fill SEMI Trailer ume of over $8,000,000 per year ByPass We often sit and think of him Sweetser 3421..

sale. Phone has opening for aggressive, for When we are all 'alone appearing salesman. Steady year And day by day, We miss him Auto Accessories, Tires, Part 13 around income with excellent opmore NEW AND USED AUTO PARTS portunity for advancement. ExAs we through life alone SPENCER SALVAGE' SERVICE penses paid during proOur hearts still ache with loneli- Phone 4309-W 17th ByPass gram, liberal 'bonus incentive ness We Want Your Tire Business and company insurance. For perOur eyes shed many a tear.

SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY sonal interview phone 4447 ask God only knows how we miss him B. F. GOODRICH STORE for Mr. Cook. If he could only come home 419 S.

Adams Phone 2904. WANTED Industrious man with There is a long and winding WHEEL ALIGNMENT clean, habits who likes poultry road, which each must go. Balancing All Make Cars. work. Also need sales abilityIt leads along hills of time GRANT COUNTY good salary to right man.

Give unto the sunset glow and trust GENERAL TIRE, Inc. three references and schooling. In God's eternal care and 1001 N. Baldwin (Br-Pass) Chronicle Box 827. When the Master calls.

We cannot Ph. NO 2-7507 NO 4-3230 AMBITIOUS MAN For general say land will not say he is office work, with local trucking dead. He is just away. Motorcycles and Bicycles 15 firm. Must be neat and accurate Over the grave of him we love CUSHMAN Motor scooter.

Ph. with figures and good typist; be Strive to be prepared to meet him Buren WE 4-2723. willing to start with modest; salIn the better world above Repairing, Service Stations 16 ary with good chance fort adWife Children vancement. Must have own transGrandchildren MECHANICAL portation. Please answer in own EXPERT Flowers Mourning Goods 3 On all SERVICE: hand writing, stating age: and We Use Cars and qualifications, to Chronicle Box Make Express Sympathy with Flowers Genuine Factory.

Parts 835. MARION FLORAL CO. CENTRAL CHEVROLET, Inc. 31st Meridian Phone 150 211 W. Second St.

Ph. NO 2-6696 Help Male and Female 34 Funeral Directors BUSINESS SERVICE COOK Waitresses, extra station Worthy of a Sacred Trust help. Junc. Apply 35-37. in person.

Suzie's DIGGS FUNERAL SERVICE, Inc. Business Service Offered 18 504 W. 3rd St. Phone NO 2-2503 POLISH Wax carfs10; free. Situations Wanted -Female: 36 Serving As We Would Be Served pickups deliver.

Ph NO 4-3936. WILL Care for children, day or Funeral Home ADD A ROOM night, my home. Ph. NO 2722 S. Washington Phone 1877 Or have your home remodeled by CHILD To board or sit, SHAWLEY MEMORIAL CHAPEL firm with established reliability.

vicinity 18th Boots, 4149. Established in 1888 Free estimates. WILL BOARD Children by 2901 S. Washington Phone 120 LEFFLER CONSTRUCTION CO. week or Mothers care.

RAVEN FUNERAL HOME. Phone NO 4-1614 Good references, Write HOME For Services" INTERIOR DECORATING And icle Box 882. 911. S. Washington.

Phone 1480 Kemtoning. Phone 5862-M. Situations Wanted- -Male 37 JAY SWIFT Funeral Home WE BUILD FENCE MIDDLE AGED Couple wants Gas City Jonesboro Clessie Davidson, R. R. 2.

care-taking or janitor, etc, for Phone Gas City 5601-3521 PAINTING Papering, general rent and utilities. Phone 3111. NEEDHAM SON free estimates. Ph. 2383.

814 S. Adams St. Phone 1552. plaster, steaming, chimney We Appreciate Your Confidence PAINTING Papering, patch FINANCIAL Personal pair. Phone 8076.

Business Opportunities RUMMAGE SALE Used cloth- QUALITY PLUMBING -Repair LIST Your business with it Drains. Sewers cleaned. Ph. 4535 you desire to sell. With our four Misc.

9. to 5. 728 furniture. Bradford. BUILDING Of offices we give you sales serving, all sizes.

Some E. all kinds. re Wed. thru Sat. modeling.

repair. Cement, ma- ice throughout a good part of work. F. B. Grim Son.

the ness state. Van 415 Laningham Glass BusiGIEGLER OPEN SUNDAY sonry Phone NO 4-1060. Brokers, Block. VARIETY STORE Ph. NO 2-2595.

1 1st By Pass Phone 3045. CARPENTRY -Also cement work VAPOR BATHS For Arthritis, Experienced. Phone 5420. nervousness, colds, muscular ail- GOOD Upland -Top 6-7457. soil.

38th and 221. Ph. FOR LEASE -L Modern Marathon ments reducing treatments. Station at Gas EARL MICKEL 212 W. 20th Ph.

444 WELL DRILLING -Pump repairs Low investment. Ph. Marion 131 City. Low rent. $144 Why Pay More $144 4" up.

Clyde Elsea Rh. 3670-3. for KIRBY SWEEPER WELL DRILLING 4 in up. Clyde AND FLOOR POLISHER Prine. Fairmount Ph.

WI 8-4275 Heavilin Phone 3170 CEMENT WORK All kinds, ex- FARMERS' COLUMN 12 years a Kirby Dealer perienced reasonable. Ph. 5305 BILLS? BILLS? BILLS? PERMA-STONE Dress up Dogs, Cats, Other Pets 47 WE offer a friendly budget service home now. New low vacation 'your 3 PUPS Want good home. Call to those who really want to pay prices.

Phone 3140. 2-2945 evenings. so on present income. Only one steps, patios; Block laying, fodt- and retrivers, godd pets. 1421 W.

their bills but are unable to do CEMENT Driveways, porches. PUPPIES Registered Pointers place to pay. ing. Chimney repair! Campbell 10th St. NOT A LOAN COMPANY Enyeart.

Ph. NO 2-8019. NEW PURINA DOG CHOW 4 Budget TREE WORK Compare our Keeps Your Dog Healthy ADJUSTMENT PLAN prices. Free estimates THOMAS MILLING CO. 02 Glass Block Ph.

NO E. L. KNAUER Phone 5793 S. Branson 5, Phone 2128 Lost, Strayed or Stolen 10 HAULING Ashes. trash, any.

Livestock 48 7 LOST Or strayed, black co*cker, thing. Phone 7095. QUARTER Horse. Stack and dog named Corky. Harness with CLEAN Sewer uhes, septic horse.

Excellent on pivots, 2 tags license and rabies. Re- tanks, cesspools, toilets. Lee roll back, back up. and figure 8. ward for return or information.

Ragsdale. Gas City 8-8821. Reasonable. Ph. NO 2-8481 after Ph.

NO 2-2371. FILL-Dirt, largest loads in town, 1956 Tax papers. Name, Rhoda $5. Phone NOrth 4-1939. 11 PIGS-7 shoats.

Mier, Grover Sheffield. Reward. Phone Sweet- ROOFING Carpentry, Coffel. 2744 collect. el; referrence.

Gas City 8-5101. LANDRACE BOARS Purebred. LEGAL NOTICES AND METAL ROOFT thrifty, well developed. 3 mi. N.

Guttering, Furnace, Cleaning of LaFontaine Christian Church. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ACME SHEET METAL WORKS. DUROC boars. February farrow. 1 MARION CITY PLAN COMMISSION Phone 2960 934 S.

Nebraska Tinkle, 4 miles N. of Sweetser. CITY HALL, COUNCIL MARION. CHAMBERS INDIANA WHY LOOK FURTHER? DUROC and gilts, extra, DATE: September 15, 1958 There's Only One Sweeper Co. length and quality.

Carter Farms' TIME: PLACE: 7:00 Council P.M. Chambers, You Name. It We Have It Gaston. Ph. Gaston FL.

8-3911. Marion, Indiana City Hall, KARNES SWEEPER CO. CATTLE FOR SALE 400 to 1500 Notice is hereby given that the Pe- Phone 1772. 3745 S. Wash.

St. calves and yearlings all tition G. of Donald C. Adams and Kath- WELL DRILLING Repairing 2 times. New arrivals daily.

ryn Adams for changing land use and Ph. Gasi City 8-2761. V. Palmer. Office -a: from R-1 Residential to R-2 Residen- Phone Trojan tial for the following described real HELVIE 3-2921 Mexico, Residence Phone estate situate in' Marion, in Grant SEPTIC TANKS -Cesspools, toilet, Gridley 3-7724 Peru: County, State of Indiana, to wit: vaults, vacuum cleaned sewer GUERNSEY Two (42) feet off of the Springer heller, 2 North end of Lots Number One lines.

Basem*nt drains cleaned large Holstein heifers bred, 1 in One R. J. Hundred Spencer's Twenty Second three (2nd) (123) crete tanks sold installed. Phone Gas City Hundred Twenty two (122) and with electric cutting knives. Con- Holstein bull, 9," stock calves.

5391. early mornAddition to the Town, now City, DAVID SEWER CLEANER ing or late evening. 71 of of Indiana. Marion, in Grant County, State 1039 CEMENT E. 38th St.

Phone 4415.1 YEARLING Meat type Hamp commonly known 103 South WORK Masonry, boar. 4 mi: S. 4 mi. W. SwayStreet, Marion, Indiana, has been set sidewalks, porches, blocks, brick zee.

M. Conway. for City public Plan hearing Commission before at: the Marion and stone Prides that will BOARS 2 mi mi. W. of stated time, day and place.

the above please you. Phone NO. 1-1614. Rigdon. Lowell Johnson Phone PHIL BOLLER, President LEFFLER CONSTRUCTION Elwood FE 2-3056.

MARION ATTEST CITY PLAN COMMISSION REMODELING ALTERATION POLAND CHINA Boars HOWARD CHESTNUT REPAIR Expert workman- Gilts. S. and of MatSecretary. ship guaranteed. Free estimates.

thews. Rolland: M. Johnson 3, 1958 Charles B. Sutton, Phone 3140. Son.

1 1 11 4 1.

Leader-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

Address: Suite 490 606 Hammes Ferry, Carterhaven, IL 62290

Phone: +8557035444877

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: Fishing, Flying, Jewelry making, Digital arts, Sand art, Parkour, tabletop games

Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.