Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

28 Marion, Indiana, Chronicle July 24, 1958 EMPLOYMENT 13 COMPLETE SHOW PLANS Members of the Circle Saddle Club show committee are shown as they met at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. William Simmons, south of Marion, to complete plans for the allwestern horse show which is to be held Saturday, Aug. 9 at the club grounds, six miles east of Marion. The committee members Include (left to right) Mrs.

Simmons, Kenneth Bish, Ralph 'Retherford and Malcolm Curfman. (Chronicle Photo.) 4. F. BUREAU A A LOW HIGH WAR 70 T. COLD HIGH.

LOW WARM LOW 0 FORECAST Until Low WEATHER BUREAU FORECAST. It will be cooler tonight in most of the Plains States, the Upper Mississippi Valley and the Great Lakes area. Except for cloudiness in the Gulf states and New England, clear skies are expected in the nation: Most parts of the country can expect some thunderstorms activity. Pi CIRCUIT COURT and costs (in city court today by Judge David L. Kiley for William A.

Roessler vs. Alice garding a stop sign at the Margaret Roessler, annulment. section of U.S. 35 and Ind. 13.

The Donald R. SUPERIOR Mote. COURT defendant, Wanda M. Gifford, Herbert Roller, Harley pleaded guilty. A.

Atwood, Clyde. Place Gulf StaTr a tion VS. Commercial Credit CAMPERS INCREASE Jacob S. White, Resident agent WASHINGTON The number Merchants Bank. Indian- of persons vacationing in Ind.

Conversion and tres- park tent and -trailer-camp areas 1957 1 pass. soared to 10.571,000 during Fred S. Woodward vs. Lincoln compared, with 9,100,000 in 1956, Home Builders Inc. and Phillip H.

a gain of 16.9 per cent. Matz, Breach of contract. Attorney, Vivian C. L. Jones James L.

GENEVA The climate of L. Garrison. CLIMATE'S RANGE 07 Jones, divorce, Milford and Mil- Switzerland varies from arctic cold ford. I to Mediterranean warmth. LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF MARION, INDIANA At a meeting of the Common Council of the City of Marion, Indiana.

12 to be held at the hour of 7:30 p. m. on August 5. 1958, in the Council Chambers in the City Hall, Marion, Indiana, there will be a public hearing 'on the matter of rates and charges for services to be rendered by. the sewage works of the City.

The Common Council now has under consideration General Ordinance No. 34-1958, fixing such rates and charges, which dinance provides in part AS follows: of of BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council the City. Marion, Indiana: SECTION I Paragraphs (a), (b), (c) and (d) of Section I of General Ordinance GA No. 50-1957 entitled An Ordinance to amend General Ordinance No. 17-1954, entitled An Ordinance to amend General Ordinance No.

9-1940 entitled an- Ordinance establishing a new schedule of rates and charges for the use of and service rendered by the Sanitation. Department of, the City of Indiana, and repealing all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be amended to set- the schedule of rates and charges to be collected by the' 'City of Marion, Indiana, from the owners of property and users served by the sewage disposal works of said City, to read as 4 follows: Section 1. For the use of and the service rendered by said sewage works, rates and charges shall be collected from the connected owners of with each or and every lot, parcel of real estate or building that is disposal uses the City's sanitary sewerage systern or otherwise discharges sanitary sewage, industrial wastes, water or other liquids either directly or Indiana, indirectly into the sanitary sewerage system of the City the of City Marion, of which or rates through and charges shall be payable as hereinafter provided and shall any: part of the sewerage system of Marion, be in an amount determinable as follows: (a). The sewage rates and charges shall be 'based on. the quantity of water used or in the property or premises subject to such rates, as the same is measured by the water there in use, except as herein otherwise provided.

That the following rates and charges be, and the same are hereby established use of and the service rendered said limits of the City based amount of water used during each quarterly sewage disposal works doin City of Marion. Indiana, within. the corporate period on or in the property or premises subject to such rates and charges as the same is measured by the water meter there in use, except as otherwise herein provided. (b). 'The water usage schedule on which the amount of said reflects rates and the charges shall be determined shall be as follows, billing which period: schedule amount of water used during each quarterly Led Used Per Quarter Rate per 100 cu.

ft. 1 Quantity First of 1200 ft. $.25 per 100 cu. ft. Water Next 4200 ft.

.18 per 100 cu. ft. Next 4600 cu. ft .16 100 cu. ft.

Next 20,000 cu. .13 per 100 cu. Next 30,000 cu. ft. .10 per 100 cu.

Next 40,000 cu. ft. .07 per, 100 cu; ft. Next 900,000 cu. ft.

.05 per 100 cu. ft. All over 1,000,000 cu. ft. ..04 per 100 cu.

ft. above rates charges are in addition to water rates and charges. water (c). consumer shall be based on the size of such water meter and shall The minimum charge for any service where the user is metered be as follows: Size. Quarterly Minimum water meter 3.00 6.50 4.

water meter water meter 10.00 water meter 14.00 water meter 25.00 3" water meter. 50.00 water meter 100.00 water meter 165.00 (cc). The minimum charge for any service. where the user is not a metered water consumer shall be based on the size of the servic connection. but no such charge shall be less than the corresponding minimum meter charge.

5 In 'the event two or more residential lots, parcels of real the estate City's or buildings (ccc). discharging sanitary sewage, water or other liquids into sanitary sewerage of water is measured by single water meter, then in system, either directly or indirectly, are users of water and such the case, for quantity. billing purposes, the quantity of water used shall be averaged for shall each apply user to each of the number of residential lots, parcels of real estate, and the minimum charge and the sewage rates and charges 6 4 buildings served through the single water meter. for (cccc). All of the above charges shall apply to services rendered within -1 3 the' corporate limits of the City.

For services rendered outside the corporate limits of the City. the foregoing rates and charges shall be increased by fifty (d). per cent. accounti for sewage. disposal service not paid within fifteen days from the due date thereof, as stated in such bills, per may cent be of the subject gross to bill, collection and delinquent bills shall be.

collected and enforced in the manner or deferred payment charge of ten provided: by law. SECTION. IL That all other provisions of General Ordinance No. 9-1940, not 50-1957. expressly General Ordinance herewith, shall remain and be in full force and: The No.

17-1954 and General Ordinance No. inconsistent and charges prescribed in General Ordinance No. 50-1967, shall remain 5 1 in rates effect until the rates and charges herein provided shall become effective. pi SECTION. 1 A TI That the above and foregoing rates and charges shall become effective the first day of September, 1958, and.

remain in. effect until changed on as provided by law. SECTION IV. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after Its passage At such and signing hearing by and the Mayor. to the final 'adoption of said Ordinance, all persons may of July, appear 1968.

and heard. 40 Dated this day VERNA HAYS, City. Clerk, City of Marion, Indiana. 1'(L- -July 17, 24, 1958. 3 Filed A Kokomo WOMAN woman FINED was fined $5 CLASSIFIED: INDEX Deaths Cards of Thanks In Memorium Funeral Directors Monuments Cemetery Lots Personals A Lost, Strayed or.

Stolen 10 Automobiles Trucks for sale, Auto accessories, parts 13 Business Services Television Sales Service 18A Heating. Plumbing. Rooting 22 Laundering 24 Employment, Female Employment- Male Employment, Male Female Situations Wanted, Female Situations Wanted, Male Business Opportunities Instructions Dogs, Cats, other pets Livestock Farming Implements 48A Grain 48B Poultry 49 Merchandise 51. Trailers for sale Trailer spaces for rent 51B Building Materials 53 Good Things to Eat: 57. Seeds, plants flowers 63 Wanted to Buy.

66 Sleeping Rooms Musical Merchandise Apartments for rent Houses for rent Houses for sale Lots for sale Wanted real estate 89 PHONE 4050 Coming Auction Sales EVERY MONDAY NIGHT- -Jonesboro Auction, 411 S. Main Jonesboro. L. A. Adamson, auctioneer, Harry Wilson, owner.

Rep. Halleck Wins States Voice In Business Aid WASHINGTON (AP) Rep. Charles A. Halleck (R-Ind) succeeded Wednesday in giving the states a voice in new federal aid to small business firms. The House passed 105-44 a Halleck amendment to a Senate-approved measure chartering private investment companies that will extend long-term creditanto small firms unable to financing.

Halleck's amendment stipulated that the investment companies be chartered' by the individual states instead of the federal government. The veteran Hoosier lawmaker said that will prevent further swelling of the federal bureaucracy. and besides the' already have personnel and ability to charter the companies with existing facilities. Rep. Abraham J.

Multer' (D- NY) said the amendment "guts then bill." (D-Tex) And charged Rep. that Wright by Pat-1 the time the small businessman "gets through the lawyers' tollgate 9. he won't have a cent left." The investment panies would "be financed with the help of a quarter billion dollar, revolving fund Small Now the 'probably will Business Administrations go to a' Senate-House conference committee to iron out differences. Hospital Notes During the present construction period, friends and relatives of patients are asked to keep their visits to a minimum. Mrs.

Anna Simon, 213 W. First Marscha Neeley, 1324 W. First St. Roberta' Sue Boyer, Huntington. Samuel Wilson, E.

39th St. Donald Fogleson, 3752 S. Nebraska St. Mary Collier, Gas City. Mrs.

Ray Furnish, Gas City. Sandra Galvan, 3608 S. Felton St. Mrs. Ovid McKinley, Wabash.

Mae. Doris Pulley, Fairmount. Karen Sue Lostutter, Gas City. Esther Mendenhall, Fairmount. Mrs.

Wilson Davis, Sims. Willis Karnes, Gas City. Alonzo Browner, 1623 5. Florence St. a 5 DISMISSALS Wilbur George, R.

R. 5, Marion. Elsie Cunningham, Van Buren. Lester Bailey, Gas City. Larry 'Armstrong.

201 N. St. Leatha Bricker, 1720 Seventh St. Mrs. Kenneth Cobb, 1209 Delphi Ave.

Mrs. "Ananias Cummings, 2332 W. '15th St. Mrs. Edward Dennison, 2320 S.

Washington St. Mrs. Eddie Duffey, 1515 S. Bran4 son St. Mrs.

C. Dyson, :902 W. 35th St. Richard Garner, Jonesboro. Mrs.

Paui Hicks, E. 33rd St. Mrs. Robert Hunt, 1419 Spencer Ave. Mrs.

Charies Hunter, R. 6 Marion. Mrs. Jerry Nelson, Jonesboro. Mrs.

Robert Perry, Lancelot Dr? Mrs. Charles Raypholtz, R. R. 1, Marion. Mrs.

Raymond Rodarte, zee. Mrs. Roi H. Rosenthall Jr. E.

Swayzee St. Mrs. Phillip Sprowl, 612 W. St. Walter: Weesner, 3502 S.

Adams St. Mrs. Clarence Welch, 621 N. Mrs. Frederick Wood, Fairmount.

Mrs. Dale Grabow, 926 S. Washington Mrs. Delbert Zook, 720 27th St. 1..

A BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gas. City, girl, 11:08 a.m. July 23.

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dee Adrianson, Fairmount, boy, 10:21 p.m. July 23. Mr.

and Mrs. Ralph Hamilton, 553 Marshall boy, 10:41 p.m., July 23. and Mrs. Harold Myers, 610 Jeffras boy, 3:02 a.m., July 241 and Mrs. Robert Enslen, 3112 Nebraska boy, a.m., July 24.

R. R. R. R. R.

WEATHER I 2 3 00 0 0 I I A MONEY SHORT? Having Trouble Paying Your NO 2-6239 For Adjustment Complete Service. Financial I Ask For ANNOUNCEMENTS Personal INVISIBLE Reweaving of garments: Phone 88. 3726 S. Gallatin. CLEAN W.

9th Thurs. Fri: 8-3. A A RUMMAGE couch Settee $4, china cabinet roll, a-way bed $15; 3. piece kitchenette hot plate with base cabinet $10; tables 50c and up. Thurs.

Fri. eve. only, 3748 S. Boots. RUMMAGE Large size dresses, boys' clothes.

Thurs. Fri. Sat. 1418 S. Wash.

RUMMAGE SALE Thurs. Fri. Pattison's 314 W. 9th NOTICE I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by anyone other than myself on or after this date July 24, 1958. Signed: Lucy O.

Worstell' 224 W. 9th St. RUMMAGE Thursday, Friday. 509 E. 18th 8 a.m.

to 6 p.m. RUMMAGE Sat. 3409 Home Ave. RUMMAGE Gas space heater $40. gas range; 2 wheel trailer.

Skil saw, lawn mowers, clothing, toys, misc. Fri: 8-4. 1302 4th, rear. W. "Bill.

Clearance" BUDGET ADJUSTMENT PLAN 202 Glass Block Phone NO 2-6239. 9TH ST. AUCTION .416 W. 9th We buy, sell or trade for good used furniture. Phone 3499.

Open every day. VAPOR BATHS For Arthritis, nervousness, colds, muscular ailments reducing treatments. EARL MICKEL 212 W. 20th Ph. 444 RUMMAGE Infant, children and adult clothing, misc.

Sat. 1635 W. 4th. RUMMAGE SALE Thurs. and.

Friday. 1329 W. 4th. RUMMAGE Sat 9-6 all kinds clothing, scout uniforms, sweeper, rifle, girls bicycle, stroller, baby fruit 1213 S. Adams.

RUMMAGE--Friday and Sat. 8 to 5. Good clothing, shoes, etc. 802 W. 10th St.

RUMMAGE SALE Friday Saturday. 9 to 5, 3225 S. Adams. RUMMAGE -Friday Saturday. Toys, washer, tubs and misc.

1416 W. 2nd St. Lost, Strayed or Stolen 10. LOST Green parakeet. Vicinity 18th Wash.

Ph. 1089-M. LOST 1. 39 in. fence, Northwest of Mariop.

BUREAU Reward. CO-OP op 215 E. I Bradford, Marion. LOST Inside works of ladies Bulova watch. Reward.

Phone 1877-M. Wabash, Ind. LOST Walker hound Reward. Ph. Sweetser 2384.

LOST Ladies glasses, downtown. Reward. Ph. NO 2-7997. LOST White fox terrier, female.

black head, spot on hip. Harness carries dog and rabies. tag. Reward. Ph.

NO 4-3683. AUTOMOBILES Automobiles for Sale 11 STARTING JULY 18TH Priced today $800. 1954 Olds. 88 4 door 5 new white wall tires, 2. tone green, 28,000 miles.

Loan values $650. Car worth $1,095 clean as it is. $25 off each day until sold. Don't wait too long. JONES AUTO 13th ByPass 1952 FORD $345 1952 NASH $345 1950 FORD $245 1949 CHEVEROLET $225 1953 BUICK Super Hardtop $545 1938 CHEVROLET $65 CECILS USED CARS 3226 S.

Wash. SACRIFICE 1957 Ford, custom 300, 6 cylinder, safety pac, light blue finish, $14.95. Will take old-1 er car on trade. 5805 Delmar Rd. Ph.

Gas City 5459. 1953 FORD Tudor. Fully equipped. Take over payments. Clean, 30 ft.

housetrailer mod. 3 rooms. Call. Gas City 4017 between 7 a.m. -2 p.m.

or after 5 p.m. 7 14 1954 PLYMOUTH Plaza, 6. cylinder. Straight shift, 4-door. $395.

Phone Sweetser 2831: 1950 CHEVROLET Club coupe; $100. 1401 S. Boots St. 1950 HUDSON Sedan, 6 cylinder, excellent tires, new battery. Runs good.

$150. Phone. 5862M. 1 1950 Adams. condition.

CHEVROLET Ph. 4961RX. 1605 good S. GOOD USED CARS AUTO SALES 1015 N. Washington Phone 5633 1955 STUDEBAKER President.

Phone Lafontaine YU 1-2882. FOR QUALITY USED 4. CARS SEE 1-M. MOTOR SALES 312 W. 2nd St.

Phone NO. 2-2574 BUY OR TRADE AT DON MARSHALL AUTO SALES 3212 S. Adams Phone 1954 1953 MERCURY 4-door. Power steering, brakes. Very clean.

One Downer car. $645. 1952 PLYMOUTH 4 door, black finish with whitewalls, "real nice $295. FULLER PAINT BODY SHOP 713 N. Western Ave.

Ph. NO 2-2100 1953 MERCURY-2: door. Heater, Merc-O-Matic. In A-1 condition. 4 HOLLINGSWORTH MOTORS North on By-Pass 1949 WILLYS Station wagon 'at I 227 NOrth E.

Phone 1957. NASH -Rambler, 4 door, extra nice. 3907 S. Adams. 1.

1951 MERCURY 5. passenger. Reasonable. mile N. of Junction: 3-58118.

W. L. Preston. Auto Trucks for Sale 12 1949 STUDEBAKER pickup, 6 ply tires, overload springs, looks and runs good, $210. Ph.

Gas City 8-8021. 1951 DODGE ton pickup. Good condition. Ph: NO 2-7157. Accessories, Tires, Parts 13.

2. 600 16 tires. 1411 S. Jackson. Phone 5299-J.

HUB CAPS -Late model cars. SPENCER SALVAGE SERVICE Phone 4309-W 17th By-Pass WHEEL ALIGNMENT Balancing All Make Cars GRANT. COUNTY A GENERAL: TIRE, Inc. 1001 Baldwin (By-Pass) Ph. NO 2-7507 NO.4-3230 3:44 7 Pi (AP Wirephoto.) INDIANA FORECASTS land d.

2-Fair and a little i er tonight. Friday partly cloudy, warm and humid with chance tered thundershowers. tonight in turning cooler north and central sections, continued warm and humid south. LOWER MICHIGAN: Partly cloudy tonight with chance scattered thundershowers north and, west late tonight. Low in 60s.

Friday partly cloudy with: scattered thundershowers, turning cooler northwest Friday afternoon or evening: ILLINOIS: Partly cloudy and a little warmer with scattered thunderstorms, likely extreme Low 65-73. Friday partly cloudy, warmer and humid. with scattered thundershowers likely, turning cooler northwest and extreme north Friday afternoon or night. OHIO: Partly cloudy tonight. Low in 60s.

Friday partly cloudy, a little warmer, chance scattered thundershowers northwest late Friday. KENTUCKY: Partly cloudy not much temperature change tonight and Friday with a few thundershowers east tonight. Low night 67-74. Coming Auction Sales EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT-7 P.M., 18th St. 509 E.

18th St. Lora Puckett, auctioneer. Ralph Cook. manager, operator. SATURDAY NIGHT 7:00 p.m.

Home Corner Auction House. D. P. Stambaugh, owner. Ed Shaf.

fer, Auctioneer. EVERY TUESDAY NIGHT 7:30 p.m. at Puckett's. Merchandise Mart. Bypass.

Puckett Son, Auctioneers. EVERY WED. NIGHT Community Sale Auction, 845 N. ington. Fred- Millspaugh, auctioneer, Don owner.

FRIDAY, JULY 25th 7:00 p.m. Earl Moser farm. North edge of Wren," Ohio; on St. Highway 49. Holstein.

Dairy Moser, Cow owner. Doehr- Heifer man, Max Schnepf, auctioneers. SATURDAY, AUG. 2nd p.m. Mi.

So. of Grant Madison Co. line road on St. Rd. 9, or Mi.

North: of Summitville road on St. Rd. 9. Farm machinery, household Mr. Mrs.

Robert Robbins, owners. Everett E. Corn, auctioneer. SATURDAY July 26th 1:00 p.m. Located M.

W. Van Buren Household and personal property. Mrs. Ira Brumfiel, owner, Wilbur T. Clair.

Auctioneer. 212. South Western Ave. HouseSATURDAY July 26th at 1 p.m. hold furniture and antiques.

Mr. Mrs. Gola A. Ruch, owners Puckett Son, auctioneers EVERY FRIDAY NITE 9th St. Auction House.

416 W. 9th St. 7:00 p.m. Omer Riddle, owner Everett Penrod Sons. Auct.

MARRIAGE LICENSE APPLICATIONS Lester Lee. Spencer, 1939, Marion, apprentice pressman, to Janice. Arlene Hobbs, 1939, Marion, secretary. Bennie J. Collins, 1937, Marion, factory worker, to Alice Loretta Keller, 1936, DEATH RETURNS CAMPBELL; Janet Infant, 206 4 Funeral Home.

ANNOUNCEMENTS In Memoriam P. In loving memory of Ovid Casey who passed three years A ago, "July 24. 'As the father hath loved me, so have I loved you. Continue ye in my love." St. John 15:9 Mary Casey and children.

W. All other zones: Fair and a little warmer touight. Low 68-70. Friday partly cloudy, warm and humid with chance scattered thundershowers. Saturday outlook: Scattered showers and thunderstorms and Jenner Fights Plea For U.

N. Unit In Middle East WASHINGTON (AP) Sen. William E. Jenner (R-Ind) is trying to stall a Senate resolution demanding a permanent United Nations police force to keep the peace in the Middle East or other world trouble spots. The resolution introduced by Sen.

John Sparkman (D-Ala) was adopted Wednesday by voice vote: It is merely an expression of opinion and has no legal effect. But Jenner later moved reconsider the vote, a motion which would block the resolution from going to the House. The Senate took no immediate action on the Jenner proposal. Sparkman said he will offer a motion table Jenner's motion and added, "I believe it will be adopted, overwhelmingly." SONG IN OPERA NEW YORK John Howard Payne's song, Sweet was. part of an opera named or The Maid of LEGAL: NOTICES NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS or ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATIONS Notice is hereby given the taxpayers of Center Township, Grant County, Indiana, that the proper legal officers of said municipality at their regular meeting place at 2 p.m.

on the 28th day of July, 1958, will consider the following additional appropriations which said officers consider necessary to meet the extraordinary emergency existing at this time. CUMULATIVE FUND Final payment of contract on Roosevelt school addition. Additional repairs to Roosevelt and and Evans Schools. Township Fund $500.00 No. 3 J.P: Supplies SPECIAL SCHOOL $3,000.00 17 Fuel: No.

Taxpayers appearing at ruch meetshall have a right to be heard thereon. The additional appropriation as finally made will be automatically referred to- the State Board 'of Tax Commissioners, which Board will hold further hearing within fifteen days at the County office of. Grant County, Indiana, or at such other place as may be designated. At such hearing, taxpayers objecting to any of such additional appropriations may be heard and interested may inquire of the County Auditor when and where such hearing will be held. Rowena B.

Heck (Officer of Taxing Unit) E-July 17, 1958 2 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION ESTATE NO. IN THE GRANT CIRCUIT COURT OF GRANT COUNTY, INDIANA Notice is hereby given Ada Leonora Stevens was, on the 9th day of July, 1958, appointed Executrix of the will of Glen Stevens deceased. All persons having claims against said estate, whether or not now due, must file same in said 'court within six (6) months from the date of the first publication of this notice or said claims. will be forever barred. Dated at Marion, Indiana, this day of July, 1958.

R. A. Benjamin, Jr. Clerk: of the Grant Circuit Court (SEAL)! Batton, Harker; Kiley and Osborn, Attorneys July 10, 17, 24, 1958 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION ESTATE NO. 11050 IN THE GRANT CIRCUIT COURT OF GRANT COUNTY, INDIANA 5.

Notice is hereby given that David I L. Kiley was, on the 23rdi day July, 1958, appointed Administrator of the estate of John Emes, deceased. All. persons having claims against said estate, whether or not now due, must file same in said court within six (6) months from the date of the first publication of this notice or said claims will be forever barred. Dated at Marion, Indiana, this 23rd day of July, 1958.

Clerk of the Grant Circuit Court (Seal) 3. Harker, Kiley, Osborn, Attorneys R. A. Benjamin Jr. E--July 24, 31, Aug.

7, 1958. A AUTOMOBILES for Sale Help Wanted--Female 32 We Want Your Tire Business Must be over SEE BEFORE BUY years of age. Call, NO 2-7109 for AB. F. GOODRICH' STORE interview.

S. Adams: Phone 2904 JOIN Thousands who are earnService 16 ing good income representing Avon Cosmetics in their neighEXPERT borhoods. Phone NO 2-8561. MECHANICAL SERVICE EXPERIENCED Sales Women All Make Cars and Trucks for permanent position in exclu-; Genuine Factory Parts 'sive Ladies Wear shop. Excel- La CHEVROLET, Ph.

NO 2-6696 lent opportunity for qualified Inc. W. Second son. Write Chronicle Box 796, BUSINESS SERVICE stating age All and replies previous confiden- sales, experience. Business Service.

Offered 16 SIDEWALKS- -Patios, Reasonable. steps, Ph. gener- 1455. For a woman who is willing to' WE ARE LOOKING prove to herself and to us that 'WELL Drilling, repair. Ph.

she can handle earnings of $200 Gas City 6701. James Auld week or more in an established WELL Drilling and repair. company dealing 'in sales and Jim Lloyd. 3920 S. Houck service.

Car. necessary. Social Phone background important as busiPAINTING Interior, exterior, ness experience. For personal Ph. 2388-R.

interview. phone 4447. ask for Mr. RENT TOOLS equipment from Cook. JOURNELL'S.

Ph. Gas City 4112. TOYS TOYS TOYS WELL DRILLING 4 in up. Clyde Wanted at once. Demonstrators Prine.

Fairmount Ph. WI 8-4275 and Leaders for Santa's Helpers. NEW BUILDING All kinds, re- Toy Parties. Mrs: investment. Car Ropair, concrete, estimates.

Ph. masonry NO 4-1060. work. by, 2114 Pontiac, Ft. Wayne, Ind.I necessary.

Write Irma. CLEAN Sewer lines, septic Help Wanted -Male 33 tanks, cesspools, toilets. Lee DIE DESIGNER. Age open. High Ragsdale.

Gas City 8-3821. salary for experienced ROOFING Carpentry, repair; ACCOUNTANT. Young man' with references. Ph. Gas City 8-5101.

college degree in PAINTING papering, general DIE MAKER. Several needed. repair Free estimates. Ph. 2383.

Good rate and working condiLAWNS TO MOW Some yard- tions. work. Phone NO 2-7660. METALLURGIST. Prefer deCEMENT WORK Reasonable.

gree, but without will accept degree. good li exInsured, guaranteed NO 4-2638. TIME -perience STUDY. We have several PERMA-STONE Dress up your outstanding openings in time stuhome now. New low vacation dy.

If you are time study man prices. Phone 3140. it will pay you to investigate LAWN MOWING Have power these openings. mower. Anywhere in Marion.

Phone 5640-J." The above positions are typical of HAULING Reasonable. many others we. have on file. Phone 5879. TWIN CITY SEWER SERVICE George Van Laningham Clean sewer lines, septic tanks.

Van Laningham Employment Serv McCormick. Ph. Gas City 5801 415 Glass Block NO 2-2595 QUALITY PLUMBING Repair. Licensed Agency. Drains, sewers cleaned.

Ph. 4535. Salesman Wanted 33A CARPENTRY -Also cement work. SALESMAN Age 21-38. Sales Experienced.

Phone 5420. experience preferred. Will train. FILL DIRT LARGE LOAD Car essential. Must be neat, agPhone NO 4-1939 gressive, willing to work.

ExcelTREE WORK our lent commissions, guaranteed prices. Free estimates. salary. 6 E. L.

KNAUER Phone 5793. CENTRAL INDIANA GAS CO. HAULING Ashes, trash, any. NO 2-6671 Ext. 9.

days or thing. Phone 7095. 8098-M-7-9 p.m. REMODELING ALTERATION SALESMAN OVER 25, MARRIED, REPAIR Expert workman- CAR. REFERENCE.

WE TRAIN ship guaranteed. Free estimates. PHONE 5976. Charles B. Sutton, Phone 3140.

Help--Male and Female 34. CEMENT WORK Masonry, IN BUSINESS FOR YOURSELF sidewalks, porches, blocks, brick Security, Retirement, no bosses, stone work. Prices that will clocks or lay-offs. Your effort please you. Phone NO 4-1614.

only limit on earnings. Help LEFFLER CONSTRUCTION your friends and prosper, PreSEWING MACHINE PARTS. fer man and wife. Interview at Repairs, any make. C.

Marine Robert Hotel, Muncie, Ind. Fri2120 S. Adams Phone 1727 day, July 1 to 6 ADD A ROOM phone calls. Ask for Mr. ThornOr have your home remodeled by burg or Mr.

Dillon. firm with established reliability. -Female 36 Free estimates. Situations Wanted LEFFLER CONSTRUCTION CO. WILL Care for children, my.

Phone NO 4-1614 home. Fenced yard. Ph. 3273. WELL DRILLING Repairing WILL CARE For children in and Ph.

Gas City 8-2761. my home, centrally located; reHELVIE SONS ferences given. Ph. NO 2-8201. SLATE Guttering, AND Furnace, METAL Cleaning ROOF FINANCIAL ACME SHEET METAL WORKS Pusiness Opportunities 38 Phone 2960 934 S.

Nebraska St. SEPTIC TANKS Cesspools, toilet vaults, vacuum cleaned sewer NO MORE LAYOFFS. lines. Basem*nt drains cleaned with electric cutting knives. Con- YOUR OWN BUSINESS crete tanks sold installed.

DAVID SEWER CLEANERS MINIMUM INVESTMENT 1039 E. 38th St. Phone 4415 WHY LOOK FURTHER? New modern service stations for There's Only One Sweeper Co. lease in this area. Our new cus-' You Name It We Have It tom-blending pump means more KARNES SWEEPER CO sales right Phone 1772 Do 3745 S.

Wash. St. For Information Contact WE DO Downspouting, eaves- 3 trough, metal roof repair, gen- SUN OIL CO. eral sheet metal work. DICKENS REFRIGERATION P.O.

Box 30. 1217 GOOD Black dirt, peat moss, HUNTINGTON, IND. S. Branson Phone 5699 yard work, painting. Ph.

2657. Phone 4010 TV Repair Service 18A GUARANTEED TV SERVICE TV SALES SERVICE 34th Adams Open 9 to 6 Ph. 5431 VERY DESIRABLE Downtown TV. And, radio repair. See the location for lease, by major oil: 1958 Motorolas.

AAA TV. Phone company. Some investment reevenings: 3221 S. Felton quired. Chronicle For Box 776.

information write 1262, 6113 Dressmaking and Millinery 21. DRESS Making, Drapes Altera- FOR SALE-By owner, 17 tions. Frances Fodge, Ph. 799-J. motel and cafe; living Heating, Plumbing, Roofing 22 Now doing over old.

$100,000 Maurice gross FREE ESTIMATES Floor Tile Fewell, junction 67 39, 1 mi. per year. years Roofing Siding W. Martinsville. R.

R. 6, 9 STATE ROOFING 115 E. 6th. 302. Phone DI 2-3849.

Ar FURNACE ESTIMATES At Nelson's Heating where every COLUMN job is engineered to meet the requirements of the 1. individual Dogs, Cats, Other Pets 17 home. FLUFFY -Kittens for good homes. 514 S. Adams.

Phone 1700 2411 Adams evenings. EMPLOYMENT 7. A.K.C. Phone NO 2-8050. Dachshund Stud Service.

Help Wanted -Female 32 MALE Boxer. Call Gas City WOMAN To live in for home 8-3356 after 5 p.m. wages. Write Chronicle Box 799 SMALL Black, white face pet WAITRESS And grill help. No Monkey and cage.

2417 S. calls. Apply. in person. latin.

Suzy Cafe. Junction 35 37 south. A.K.C. registered Beagles. Will BOOKKEEPER For one girl of- trade for Ph.

NO 4-1338. fice: Some typing. days MOTHER -Cat, 4 kittens. Free. week.

Age 30 or over preferred. Phone 4377 Gas Good salary to well qualified, AKC 1 blond mother 3 pups, and experienced person. Write co*cker. Phone NO 4-14081 Chronicle Box 798. COME SEE OUR PARROT Here are excellent positions: in Live pets, food, and supplies.

Marion which are well worth PERSHING GARDEN STORE investigating. 1: 105 East 5th Phone 5333 PONY SHOW CART All chrome. BOOKKEEPING DEPT. Prefer ov- Also one set pony show harness er 30 with some bookkeeping ex- 4404 S. Meridian St.

Phone 3252. perience or training. Some 18 Livestock GENERAL OFFICE. Prefer over 3 YORK Gilts. 1-14 hole hog feed30 with typing skill and er, 1-hog fountain with burners.

ability to meet the Keep Phone NO 2-8986. routine records. REGISTERED Poland boar, TYPIST. Medium-sized mfg. Var- yearling.

D. Pence Ph. Sweetser ied 3219. COMPTOMETER. Must be exper- BOARS -Purebred Yorkshire.

Burienced operator and able to type. oker. 1 mi. of Sweetser. BEGINNER.

This firm will take a 1 BROWN- -Swiss bull, months beginner who is good in typing old, Brown Swiss Heifer, 1 year and has a high figure aptitude. old. Phone 5699. LIGHT tured SHORTHAND. stenographer Want willing ma- to WANTED Good Hereford Bull.

take charge out. of Prefer small age around Grain hauling, large office when Sam Blinn, NO 4-3901. owner is and general busi- truck, Dependable. Insured for 35. Personality most important.

your protection. Ph. NO 4-2769. ness, A FEEDER PIGS Vaccinated, Hyexperience The above is a merely a PARTIAL brid meat-type, W. boars.

2 Mi. Lowell list of some very good openings Mi. of Elwood Rigdon. FE 2-30563 we now. have on file.

12 CROSS BRED Gilts, farrow Johnson, Ph. George Van Lamingham Vaccinated. Alvah RichVan Laningham Employment Serve A ards, Marion. Due North of Fish415 Glass Block Ph 2-2595 er: Body on Kem Road. Phone Licensed Agency Sweetser 3163.

MILLER In loving memory of my wife, Mrs. Dora Miller, I Those whome we love go out of sight, But never out of mind; They are cherished in the hearts Of those they leave behind: Mr. Novy Family. Flowers and Mourning Goods Express Sympathy with Flowers MARION FLORAL CO. 31st Meridian Phone 150 Funeral Directors Serving As We Would Be Served OWEN-WEILERT Funeral Home 2722.

S. Washington Phone 1877 SHAWLEY MEMORIAL CHAPEL Established in 1888 2901 S. Washington Phone 120 JAY SWIFT Funeral Home, Gas City Jonesboro. Gas City 5601-3521 Worthy of a Sacred Trust DIGGS FUNERAL SERVICE, Inc. 504 W.

3rd St. Phone NO 2-2503 NEEDHAM SON We Appreciate Your Confidence 814 Adams St. Phone 1552. RAVEN FUNERAL HOME "The HOME For Services" 911 S. Washington 1480 Personal.

NEW Girls dresses, size 2 to 9, $1 each. 331 S. Butler Ave. NOTIONS- Crochet thread, Yarn. GIEGLER VARIETY STOKE list By Pass 3045.

Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)
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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Author information

Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.