Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

Li en and 3 IL 14. My has: br 1 in a 3 af 14 4. 1 -I- D. Marion, Indiana, Chronicle Jan. 20, 1955 25.

SOMERSET SOMERSET-WSCS of the Methodist Church met in the church auditorium recently for its regular monthly meeting with Mrs. Bessie Deeter, Mrs. Paul Mrs. Carl Schlegel and Mrs. Dale MIlIcr as hostesses.

Devotions were in charge of Mrs. Wellman Rennaker and the lesson was given by Mrs. Earl Foust. Roll call was answered with a Bible verse. Following the business session, conwere conducted, with prizes to Foust and Mrs.

Franklin Johnson, Refreshments were served. Those present were Mrs. Lulu Johnson, Mrs, Myron Darby, the Rev. and Mrs. Gary Browne, Mrs.

Franklin Johnson, and daughter Joyce; Mrs. William Frank and. children, Sherilyn, Danny Smith; Mrs. Foust, Mrs. Ophia Garst, Mrs.

Robert Shroyer, Mrs. Charles Windoffer, Mrs. Theresa Rogers. Arthur Morris, Mrs. Lester Martin, Mrs.

Rennaker, Mrs. Mabel Macy, Marshall Foust, Mrs. Schlegel and the hostesses. Mr. and Mrs.

Guy Shields entertained employes of the Renbarger Grocery Store, Wabash, Wednesday at their home. Progressive Euchre was playedia were Awarded Mrs. Renbarger, Edd Keefer, Mrs. Earl Warnock and Alvah Watson. Others present were Harold Renbarger, Keefer, Mrs.

Alvah Watson and Mont Denny, all of Wabash. Members of A Sunday school class of the College Corner Church the Brethren, entertained their teacher, Lee Sweet. Sunday night A supper at his home in observance of his birthday anniversary, Those attending were the Rev. and Mrs. Bright and children, Johnny and Carl, Mr.

and Mrs. Harlan Smith, Mr. and Herman Hood. and Mrs. Roy Dean and Mr.

and Mrs. Sweet. The Rev. and Mrs. 0.

Hochstedler, near Converse, were Sat urday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Lorin White, Mr. and Mrs. Rex Finch and children, Rodney, Gregory and Kris, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr.

and Hirs. Robert Givens, Conversaid Mrs. Burvia Cochran al and Sandra Lucus spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Rhaull Dick, Fort Wayne.

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wise entertained, Mrs. at Russell Wise Sunday and for son, Peru. Other callers were Mr.

and Mrs. Earl Rogers, Peru, and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Waite and son. Mr.

and Mrs. Earl Lindsey were Friday visitors of Mrs. Lowell Durnbaugh and son, Joe, Wabash. Fayanne and Michael Givler, Roann, spent the weekend with their grand-parents, Mrs. and Mrs.

Clyde Ogan. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Myers and son, Jerry, spent Sunday with Mr. and Ray Miller, Layette.

Mrs. Chris Shroyer, near Peoria, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shroyer and children Janet, Kay and James. Mrs.

Mollie Rennaker, Miss Marie Rennaker and Mrs. Eliza McGinnis, LaFontaine, spent Sunday with Mrs. Bessie, Deeter. Mrs. E.

H. Schaid, Indianapolis. spent the seekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Maple.

Mr. and Mrs. i Frank Mackey, Anderson, were Sunday visitors of Mrs. Maple. Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Windoffer entertained at supper Friday for Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Morris, Mr. and Mrs.

Clyde Ogan, Mrs. Mabel Macy, Mrs. Marie Huffman and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lindsey.

In observance of the birthday anniversary of Rita, Jo Harper, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Harper, Swayzee, entertained with a family dinner Sunday for. Mrs. Lulu Younce, Swayzee; Mr.

and Mrs. Paul Frieden and daughter Paula, North Manchester; Mr. Mrs. Guy Garst and children Judy and Joe, and Mr. 'and Mrs.

Wayne: Younce and children Joyce Lynn. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Shields tertained at dinner Sunday for and Mrs. Arthur Swift and family, Muncie.

and Mrs. Gilbert Keefer children Jane Ann, Nancy Philip, called on Mr. a and Mrs. Keefer and daughter, Realis. Mrs.

Ruby Aukerman and daught er, Lou, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Shaw were Sunday dinner quests of Mr. Mrs.

Alvah Stewart, Wabash. Mr. and Mrs. Smith entertained at' supper recently for and Mrs. Robert Haldermani son, Gary, and Mr.

and Mrs. Sloderbeck, Peru. Mr. and Mrs. Noah Schlegel were Sunday' visitors of Mr.

Mrs. John Keefer, Dalesville. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Draper guests Mark, Mr.

and were Mrs. Sunday H. L. dinner Dender, Peru. Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Windoffer entertained at dinner Sunday and Mrs. William Spencer, Kokomo; Mrs. Chris Shroyer Mr. and Mrs.

Robert Shroyer family, Mrs. E. H. Schaid and Jack Maple recently called on and Mrs. Richard Maple and children, Jay, Jeoffry and Jerry, tone, Mr.

and Mrs. W. H. Browne, North Manchester, were. Sunday dinner guests of Mr.

and Earl Lindsey. callers Miss Joyce Durnbaugh, Wabash, and Miss Nondus Heitman, saw. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Ogan tertained at supper Sunday for and Mrs.

Carl Givler and children, Roann. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Keefer and children. Cheryl and Pamela, visited Sunday with Mrs.

Aukerman and daughter, Annalou, Wabash. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Smith Sunday night with Mr. and Raymond Clark, Greentown.

Mr. and Mrs. Perry Schooley and Mr. and Mrs. Ashby LaFontaine, called on Mr.

Mrs. Clarence Rogers and daughters, Janet and Roxanna, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Ogan Monday night with Mr.

and Lorin Oras and son, Eddie, bash. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Davis, land, visited from Friday Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.

Harold 1954 BOND SALES it ARE HIGHER HERE Sales of U. S. Savings Bonds in Grant County during 1954 totaled $1.699,101,: according to An announcement made today by Samuel P. Good, county savings bond chairman. The 1954 total compares with $1,434,880 reported for previous year.

Sales for' the entire state were higher in 1354 than in 1953, according to the report, The state total in 1954 was $153.796.889 as compared with $137,372,780 to 1953. 1.1 All but 20. of Indiana's 92 ties established sales records "in the past year, and some of the state's leading Industrial communities supposed to' have suffered temporary business losses, were among the performers creasing their savings bonds sales. COMMUNITY SERVICE OFFICERS ELECTED WABASH Hubert Oswalt: was chosen 1955 president of Wabash Community Service Tuesday night in a meeting, at the Honeywell Memorial Center. Oswalt, bash tire dealer, is one of four persons elected to the board of directors of the Others board members elected were Assistant Police Chief Dudley Lavengood, Howard' Hipskid of General Tire and Rubber, and R.

G. Miller, Wabash real estate agent. Gilbert Wiles, Asa Reynolds, Dick Miller and George Berg are retiring members of the board! of directors. 1 60 Jerry Torrance Elected Bar Association Head Jerry Torrance Jr. today had taken over duties as president of the Grant County Bar Association following a meeting.

of the organization Wednesday night in the Mecca Club. 1 Other executives chosen the association include Gene Johnson, vice president; Gordon Coryea, and David Kiley; treasurer. 04 Retiring as head of the association is George Milford. Former Ring Champion COLUMBIA. S.

C. (P) -Beaul Jack world lightweight boxing c'amp in 1943, will find out to night if he's too old for a The 33-year-old Augusta, native says he'll carry "that old killer feeling" into the ring against middleweight Eddie Green, 27,. of Kannapolis, N. C. The 10 round bout will be his first since ed May, 1951.

when Gil Turner stopped him in the eighth round. To Hit Comeback Trail HOSPITAL NOTES ADMISSION James Kellems, 2042 S. George St. Curtis Worley, 1306 Geneva st. Mrs.

Winifred Sharpe, 520 E. Swayzee St. Mrs. Leroy McMath, 416 W. 13th St.

Noel Little, 2431 W. 14th St. Donald Yeakle, 1 1008 E. 30th St. il DISMISSALS Mrs.

Phillip E. 34th Bruce Likes, 114. W.1 Bradford St. Nancy Likes, 114 W. Bradford Mark Chambers, 4308 S.

Harmon St. A Mrs. Earl Stambaugh, 1507 S. Washington St Felton St. Brown, Mrs.

Hubert Harrold. Fairmount. Betty Stuttle, 214. E. 14th Mrs.

Richard Creston, Jonesboro. Fred Lewis, LaFontaine. Frances Spencer, 1523 S. Lawrence St. ton Drive.

A Mrs. David. Howard, '516 WharMrs. Robert Kelly, Gas City. Mrs.

Ray Davis, 1526 E. Stoebe St. Mrs. Paul Smith, Jonesboro. Mrs.

Stanley Piatt, 1412 W. Seventh St. 1 Mrs. Gervase Hollander, Sway, zee. BIRTHS Mr.

and Mrs. Francis Simmons, 2926 S. Landess boy, 12:25 a Jan. 20. Mr.

and Mrs. John' Reynolds, Gas City, boy, 1:58 p.m., Jan. 20. Mr. and Mrs.

Homer' R. Smith, Gas City, girl, 5:47 a.m., Jan. 20. Mr. and Mrs.

Edward Morgan, 703 S. boy, 5:25 a.m., Jan. 20. I Mr. and Mrs.

Hoy Shoemaker, Wabash, girl. 12:50 p.m:, Jan. 19. Reid and children, Sandra and Jeoffry, In observance of the birthday anniversaries of Mrs. Mabel Macy and Marie Huffman, a family dinner was held Sunday at their home.

Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Emil Smith and Mrs. Ronald Poor, Santa Mr. and Mrs.

Arthur Wise and' children, Miriam Kay and David, Marion: Mr. and Mrs. Dale Milier and children, Gary and Larry, near Peru: Mr. and Mrs. Don Shaw and children.

Jimmy and Susanne and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sutton and children, Becky, Scott and Tricia. Other callers were Mr. and Mrs.

Grayston Campbell, Wabash, and Mr. and Mrs. Dora Brumfiel. Mr. and Mrs.

Paul Bright and daughters moved Thursday' into one of the Paul Ogan apartments. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sutton and family had as Saturday supper guests Mr. and Mrs.

Everd Lee Sweet and family. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Smith entertained at supper Friday for Mr. and Mrs.

Robert Tyner and daughters, Sharon and Diana, near North Manchester, and Mr." and Mrs. Gene Smith and son, Danny. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Reid and children visited Sunday with her parents, Mr.

and Mrs. John' McCrory, Portland. Mrs. McCrory is ill. -3.

WINTER GOLF MEET CARDED SAN DIEGO, Calif. nia's winter golf picture shifts to the Mission Valley Country Club today, where a field of nearly 150 players starts shooting for $15,000 cash in the 72-hole San Diego Open. Heading the list are bers of the winning U. S. Hopkins Trophy team, victor Wednesday over a Canadian team in the fourth annual series sponsored by, the International Golf Assn.

The Yankees scored 17 points to 10 for the Canadians. The results: Singles Chick Harbert. Northville, defeated Pat Fletcher Saskatchewan 4-up, 3 a points to zero: Ed Furcol, St. Louis, defeated Al Zalding, Toronto, one up. points to points; Henry Martell, Edmonton, defeated Marty points to Lemonies Huot, Montreal, Furgol, 3 les, one points to Cary defeated Jerry, Barber, Los Middlecoff.

Klamesha Lake, N.Y., defeated Bill Kerr, Montreal 5 up, 3 points to zero, and Jack Burke, Kiamesha Lake, and Stan Leonard Vancouver, ended even, each points. he feated Doubles ouch Burke 2 Furgol up, Bryd- depoints to Balding-Gordon son, Toronto, defeated MiddlecoffLloyd Mangrum, Niles, 3. up. points to Barber-Marty points to defeated Martell-Kerr, 3 up, zero. PREDICTS NEW WORLD'S MARK PHILADELPHIA (INS) Herman Wyatt, national indoor high first jump mad champion, will be the ever to "clear seven feet in Morcom, the opinion of A.

Richmond the University of Pennsylvania's freshman athletic director. Morcom predicted that Wyatt, who competes in the event at the 11th Annual Inquirer Games at Convention Hall Friday, also will be the first to soar an inch above that unprecedented height. Wyatt, the armed forces track team ace from San Jose (Calif.) State College, cleared the Massachusetts of games, in Saturday. Morcom said he had worked out a graph on the world's great that high the jumpers which' showed ideal jumper, the logical to clear candidate seven of feet, is fellow built just like becoming the first Wyatt. The Internal Revenue Service Pastors' Forms Are Available and the Social Security Administration announced today that ministers, Christian Science practitioners and eligible members of religious orders who wish to participate in federal old-age and survivors insurance under the: social security act, may do so by completing waiver forms which" are now available at any social security office.

Under changes in the law made last year, the earnings from the by performance of religious duties ministers, members of religious vow ders who have not taken: a of poverty and Christian Science topractitioners may counted ance ward benefits if and the survivors individual insur- himself chooses to take part and This to pay the social security does not in any way involve the church he serves: It is necessary that those wishing to obtain the benefits secure a social security number. It also was. emphasized that merely securing social security numbers does not bring the minister under the program. Their earnings from religious duties are not taxable for social security purposes and do not count toward the social security benefits unless special waiver certificate, Form 2031, is filed with the district director: of internal revenue. M'GRATH TO DRIVE IN 500 THIS YEAR INDIANAPOLIS UP Jack McGrath and the Hinkle Special, holders of the qualification record at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, are coming back for this year's 500-mile race together.

McGrath, who set the 10-mile miles qualifying record at 141.033 an hour last May, filed his entry Wednesday. He will be making his eighth appearance in Memorial Day race. The 35-year-old driver lives at Inglewood, Calif. The entry of Al Keller of Bloomfield, N.J., a newcomer to the Indianapolis track, also. was announced Wednesday.

He will try to qualify the Sam Traylor Special. 18: Leisure 783 585 671-2039 Thomas 632: 678 Porter 674 755 Stevens 655 589 663-1907 Richeson 640 644 631-1935 Gill 542 679 658-1879 Matt's 412 601 700-1974 Garlati 669 560 737-1966 Enyeart 734 715 653-2102 Powell RA8 611 613-1892 BOWL-AIRE LEAGUE Kesler's Ford 998 973 997-2967 Kaiser -Allen 904. 883 907-2694 Jack's Cafe 902 988 1006--2896 Williamson's 902 883 936-2721 Malleable 923 793 1014-2730 Dutch's Tavern 846 942 954-2742 Beason's 941 Chevrolet 931 858 929-2118 Stoller's 776 878 919-2573 Kerby's 981 883 California annually produces about 90 per cent of the wines of the United States. BOWLING SCORES MIXED LEAGUE I MARION SADDLE CLUB HOLDS SOCIAL MEET IN CLUB ROOMS A. social meeting of the Marion Saddle Club WAS held Monday night at the South Marion Business Men's Club Rooms.

Plans were completed for skating party to be held Feb. 15. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bradford.

Mr. and Mrs. George Beecher, Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Barnes, Miss Carolyn Barnes, Roberta Mrs.

Barnes, Clarence Leo Cates Boatwright, and son, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Hoss and Mrs. Ida Mae Harmon. Mrs.

Dora Lewark. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lewark. Mr.

and Mrs. Frank Lahr, Mr. and Mrs. Darl Steelman, Ronald Shockey, Miss Jacqueline Lewark, Fred Lewark, Mr. and Mrs.

Verlin' Tinkel, Mr. and Mrs. S. Anders and Miss Marjorie Marshall. CONTRIBUTION MADE BY TOW CLUB AT DINNER MEET During the business session of the TOW Club Tuesday night at Emley's restaurant, members decided to make a contribution- to the Retarded Children's School maintained by Grant County.

Fund for utility expenditures will be assumed by the club. Officers were elected for the ensuing year. Those named were Mrs. Jack Friedman, president; Mrs. Edward Noviski, vice president; Mrs.

Lyle Secrest, secretary; Mrs. Noviski, treasurer, and Mrs. Don Shinkus, reporter. Names were drawn for secret pals. During the session it was decided to pay the utility bills for the Retarded Children's School.

Those present were Mrs. Edward Whinery, Mrs. Secrest, Mrs. Robert Dollar, Mrs. Burnett Folk, Mrs.

Friedman, Mrs. Ray Kistler, Mrs. Harry Long, Mrs. Noviski, Mrs. Olive Sisk, Mrs.

Jenning Fudge, Mrs. Shinkus, Mrs. Art Rothballer and Mrs. Webb Shafter. Meeting Is Rescheduled By DAR Members Gen.

Francis Marion Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution will meet 'at 2 p.m. Jan. 28 in the Young Women's Christian Association club rooms. The meeting was originally scheduled for Friday. 1: Following" the business session the meeting will be devoted to Junior American Mrs.

James Collins will' lead a panel discussion on Boys and Girls State. Two Marion High School students, boy 'and girl, will participate in the discussion. Hostesses for the event will be Mrs. William H. Latham, Mrs.

James G. Carey, Miss Louis Charles, Mrs. N. S. Cole, Mrs.

L. F. DeBoo, Mrs. Oscar Erlewine, Mrs. Gerald D.

Emrick and Mrs. George Overman. Past Chiefs Club Holds Meet At Keene Home Past Chiefs Club, Peconga Council 136, Degree of Pocahontas, met at the home of Howard Keene, 444 N. "Adams Sti, Monday night. Assistant hostess was Mrs.

William Ringer. Members present were Mrs. Roy Puckett, Mrs. Arthur Planck, Mrs. Virgil Foreman.

Mrs. Wayne Bradford, Mrs. Blanche Hawkins, Mrs. Blanche Wills, Mrs. Lewis Laymon, Mrs.

Ralph W. Cook, Mrs. Herbert Keene, Mrs. Charles Mrs. Paul Hillsamer, and Mrs.

Jacob Fahl. Next meeting will be held Feb. 21 at the home of Mrs. Planck. Triple T.

Euchre Club Names Officers Officers of the Triple T. Euchre Club today assumed their positions for the year following their election Tuesday night at the home 'of Kenneth Ryan, S. Adams St. Mrs. Ruth Ann Lanning, president, was in charge of the session.

Officers named were Mrs. Ryan, president; Mrs. Delbert Stinnett, secretary treasurer and Miss Betty German, flower chairman. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Ancil Stevens, Mrs.

Richard Hazelett and Mrs. Max Barton. Others attending were Mrs. Nelle Renbarger, Mrs. Herman Small, Mrs.

Ray Mitchell, Mrs. Arthur Brown and Mrs. Edward Mitchell. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs.

Edward Rudicel, La Fontaine, and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bowerman, 328 E. Grant were in Sheridan Tuesday where they attended the funeral of Mrs. Will Rudicel.

Mr. and Mrs. Myron Wood daughter, Sandra, 2608 S. Nebraska spent last week with Mr. and Mrs.

Ben Bollinger, Hartville, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ballinger, Canton, Ohio. 11 Mrs. Goldie Priser.

Andrews, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Myron Wood, 2608 S. Nebraska St. I' Mr.

and Mrs. H. D. Wyant, Northwood, are spending a vacation in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla, Robert Curran, W.

Third Street, returned to his home Wednesday night from Cincinnati, Ohio, from a business trip. CIRCLE TO MEET Mrs. Dora Wardwell, 1552 S. Gallatin will be hostess to memhers of the Roxie Leforge Circle at p.m. Friday at her home.

MEETING POSPONED Regular scheduled meeting of the Gen. Francis Marion Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution has been postponed until Jan. 28. The meeting was originally slated for Jan. 21.1 SKEET MEET TO OPEN PONTIAC, Mich.

UP For the second consecutive year. the National Skeet Shooting championships will take place at the Oakland County Sportsmen Club in Pontiac. READ THE CLASSIFIED ADS Weather -1 I 2 HARISSA All zones--Increasing cloudiness tonight. Friday cloudy and somewhat warmer with light rain or snow likely. Low tonight zones 1 and 2-23.

High Friday 33. Zones 3, and 5-25 and 36. Zones 6 and 7-28 and 38. Saturday outlook--Partly cloudy and somewhat colder, LOWER MICHIGAN: Increasing cloudiness tonight with occasional snow likely Friday probably mixed with rain extreme south. Somewhat warmer tonight and Friday.

Low tonight 15-22. OHIO: Fair and colder tonight with low 10-20. Friday mostly cloudy with slowly rising temperature. Some snow likely by afternoon or night. City Calendar THURSDAY NIGHT tess House Hostess House.

Horace Mann Parent Education Study Group Mrs. Robert Stover, 710 W. Sixth St. Cosmopolitan Club Community Memorial Building. FRIDAY AFTERNOON Roxie Leforze' Circle -Mrs.

Dora Wardwell, 1552 S. Gallatin St. Christian Women's Fellowship, First Christian Church, luncheon Church. Delphian Study Club Hostess House. Rebecca Parish Circle, First Methodist Church-Mrs.

Walter Tukey, 711 W. Sixth St Christian Women's Fellowship First Christian Church. Woman's Club Mrs. Henry Erlewine, N. Washington St.

Marie Adams Circle, First Methodist Church-Mrs. Lewis Raven, 911 S. Washington St. SATURDAY NIGHT Traveler's Protective Association of Hall. Explorer's Ball, Explorer Scouts Spencer.

County Calendar JANUARY 20 Liberty Township-Mrs. Webster' Ferree. Range Line-Mrs. John Turner. Walnut Creek-Mrs.

Dwight Ballinger. Richland Homemakers Reid Smith, Township. Farrville-Mrs. Wilbur Dean. JANUARY 21 Pleasant-Mrs.

William Alters. JANUARY 25 Matthews-Mrs. Said Leach. JANUARY 26 Morris Chapel-Mrs. Gorden Torrance.

Victory-Mrs. Major Martin Phygo Ugo-Mrs. Milton Stam'baugh' JANUARY 27 Washington-Mrs. Murray Johnson. New Mulberry -Miss Anna Porter.

Unity of Fairmount-Mrs. Joe Women's Fellowship, Temple Congregational Church Church. Newcomers Club Moose Home. Business Women's Group of Hos- Payne. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF ESTATE ADMINISTRATION IN THE GRANT CIRCUIT COURT OF GRANT COUNTY.

INDIANA Notice is hereby given that First National Bank in Marion, Marion, Ind, was, on the 3rd day of January, 1955, appointed Administrator of the estate of Leo Ware deceased. All persons having claims against said estate, whether or not now due, must file same in said court within six (6) months from the date of the first publication of this notice or said claims will be forever Dated at Marion, Indlana, this 5th day of 1955. R. A. Benjamin, Jr.

Clerk of the Grant Circuit Court (Seal) Wagoner Cochrane Attorneys E--Jan. 6, 13. 20, '1955. NOTICE TO SUPPLIERS OF FUEL OIL, GASOLINE AND OIL AND COAL The Sims Township Trustee and visory Board will meet at the Swayzee High School on Febuary 7, 1955 at 7:30 P. M.

for the purpose of receiving bids for the following supplies: 25.000 gallons or less of No. 3 Commercial Fuel Oil or equal. 7.500 gallons or less of regular grade gasoline or equal Two carloads of stoker coal of guaranteed quality to burn satisfactorily in Swayzee School boilers. All above call for the delivery of above material in the containers at the Swayzee School Property, All bids are to be sealed and marked "Bid for Fuel "Bid for gasoline" and "Bid for Bids will be received by the Trustee up to 4:00 P. M.

on February 7, 1955.: "A certified check in the amount of $50.00 made payable to the Sims Township Trustee must accompany each bid as guarantee that if successful the bidder will enter into contract for the faithful performance of their tion. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Ralph D. Haynes Sims Township Trustee -Jan. 20.

27. 1955. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION ESTATE NO. 10247 IN THE GRANT CIRCUIT COURT OF GRANT COUNTY, INDIANA Notice is hereby given that Mary M. York was, on the 3rd day of January, 1955, appointed Executrix of the will of Homer K.

York deceased. All persons having claims against said estate, whether or not now due. must file same in sald court within six (6) months from the date of the first publication of tis notice or said claims will be forever barred. Dated Marion, Indiana, this 5th day of January. 1955.

A. Benjamin, Jr. Clerk et the Grant Circuit Court (Seal) Campbell, Gemmill, Browne, Ewer Torrance Jan. 6, 13 Attorneys 20, 1955. MARRIAGE LICENSES Frederick John Roberts.

1921, Sydney, Australia, radio engineer; Grace Huston, 1913, Jonesboro, clerical. La Oswalt, 1937, Marion, factory; Frances Worth, 1940, JonesLee Oswalt, 1937, Marion, factory; Frances Worth, 1940, Jonesboro. C. Ensor, 1923, ion, factory; Nadia Dugan, 1930, Marion, DEATH RETURNS Branson. Needham Son.

BOSLER-Mrs. Clara, P. 1126 S. Coming Auction Sales THURS. JAN 27TH-1 p.m.

3 miles north Swayzee bred gilt sale, 50 bred gilts. Green Weaver OW'Ders, Wilbur Clair, Auct. SATURDAY JAN 29-At 1 p.m., acre farm, 5 miles south 2 miles west Swayzee to be sold in Wilbur Clair, office, Converse. Parey Hamm, owners. WEDNESDAY, JAN.

26th-At 1 12 noon (CST). 6 miles S. of Huntington, Ind. on St. Rd.

9 and 37. 16 mi. north of Marion. Brown Swiss cattle and Tamworth hogs. Sale at Beaty's Sale Pavilion.

SATURDAY-Jan. 22nd, 7 p.m. Woodworking 845 N. Public Auction Household, goods Wash. Mr.

and Mrs. Lean, Owner. Fred Millspaugh, Li M. Boatwright, Auctioneers; Don Millspaugh, clerk. WEDNESDAY, JAN.

26th 'At 1:00 p.m. located 3 miles north of Marion on the Lagro road. Farm sale. Corda Oatess, OWnClair, WEDNESDAY. JAN.

26th At 10:30 a.m., located 1 mile east of Elwood, then mi. south on St. Rd. 37. Bankruptcy sale.

Richard E. Bixby, trustee, George W. Scott, auctioneer. SATURDAY-Jan 22nd, 1 p.m. 2621 S.

Meridian. Household auction. Leonard Bell owner. L. M.

Boatwright, Fred Millspaugh, auctioners; Don Millspaugh clerk. FRIDAY, JAN. p.m. mi. north of Huntington, on Guilford St.

or 8 ml. west of Roanoke. mi. south. 60 acre farm.

ers, Scher's Realty auctioneers. Fred Nora he Vellhaurer, PUBLIC AUCTION Household goods, Saturday, Jan. 22, 1 p.m., S. Meridian Leonard Bell, owner. Millspaugh Ill Boatwright, auctioneers.

FRIDAY NIGHT -18th St. Auction. Sale every Friday Nnight 7 p.m, L. P. Stambaugh, Owner; Ed Shaffer, Auctioneer.

TUESDAY, JAN. 25TH-11 a.m. DST. Farm Close out Sale. 5 W.

Greentown on state road 22, then 2 mi. N. Raymond D. Fawcett, owner. Eddie Nash 0.

B. Swinford, Auctioneers. FRIDAY, JAN. a.m. CST.

Feeder Pig Auction. 1' 'mi. N. Windfall. Longview Farms, owner.

Eddie Nash, Auctioneer ANNOUNCEMENTS In Memoriam NOGGLE-In memory of Pierre Allen Noggle who passed away 9 years ago, Jan. 20th, 1946. In our home he is fondly remembered, Sweet memories cling to his name Those who loved him in life sincerely, Still love him in death just the same, a Sadly missed by his parents, Mr. Mrs. Ray Noggle sisters brothers.

DIX, BESSIE In memory of our mother who passed away "five years ago January 20, 1950.1 A happy home we once enjoyed How sweet the memory still But death has left a loneliness This world can never fill. Hi The days bring back memories, Of our loved one laid to rest And those who think of her today Are the ones who loved her best. Though her smiles are gone forever. And her hands we cannot touch, We shall never lose sweet memories Of the one we loved so much. God is good, he gave us strength to bear our.

heavy cross, al He is the' only one who knows bow' bitter was our loss. Sadly missed by Mrs. Alfred Fansler, William, Wayne and Verle Brooks. Funeral Directors SHAWLEY MEMORIAL CHAPEL Established in 1883 2901 S. Washington Phone 120 Serving As We Would Be, Served OWEN MORTUARY 2722 S.

Washington Phone 1877 MILFORD FUNERAL HOME Sincere Service Fair Prices 710 W. 3rd St. Phone NO 2-2468 RAVEN FUNERAL HOME "The HOME for Services" 911 S. Washington Phone 1480 Worthy of a Sacred Trust DIGGS FUNERAL Service, Inc. 503 W.

Third St. Ph. NOrth 2-2503 NEEDHAM AND SON We Appreciate Your Confidence 814 S. Adams St. Phone 1552-W Monuments and Cemetery Lots 6 MARKERS MONUMENTS We Give Holden Red Stamps BRANDON MONUMENT CO.

3 CHOICE-6 grave lots in Grant 45th Harmon ON Phone 3008 Memorial Park. GLEN OUTLAND, REALTOR Phones NORTH 2-2457 or 2147' Personal FOR THE BEST GROCERIES AND MEATS BOB WILSON Opp. P. O. WE'RE Happy to be able to offer the new Sanidyne for dandruff.


IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF CENTRAL INDIANA GAS COM: PANY FOR AUTHORITY TO ISSUE 39,900 SHARES OF ITS COMMON CAP. ITAL STOCK AS A STOCK DIVIDEND. Notice is hereby riven that the Public Service Commission of Indiana will conduct public bearing in this cause in Rooms of the Commission, 401 State House, Indianapolis. 10:00 A. (CST) on Friday 19.

1955. Public participation us requested. PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF INDIANA. By Paul M. Tingle Secretary I E--Jan.

Indianapolis, 20, 1355. January 19, 1355. Personal CHILI SUPPER St. John's Lutheran Church 14th Gallatin SAT. JANUARY 22, 4:30 p.m.

Sandwiches Pie Cake 50c and 25c STEAM BATHS -Massage Reducing. EARL MICKEL, Mas- J. seur. 212 W. 20th St.

Phone 441. RUMMAGE SALE Low, low prices on good clothing for men, women and teen-age girls. Also other articles. Friday and Saturday at 607 N. Washington.

SEWING MACHINE Repairs and parts for any make. Factory teed one year. Brand trained mechanic. Work guarapchines by White and others. Used 1525 machines and rentals.

Any machine made electric. Charles Marine, 2120 S. Adams. Ph. 1727.

Spencer Registered Corsetiere MRS. GLEN KULB' R. R. 5, Wabash, Ind. Phone La Fontaine 45F50 NOTICE- Williams Rug shop Is still operating at 412 W.

13th st. 112 Phone 222. Not the iron, Madame "Try 8 Van Heusen shirt with the Century collar that won't wrinkle ever. BRUNT'S South Marion RUMMAGE SALE -Winter clothing include White Uniforms. Friday Saturday.

2532 W. 10th. Lost, Strayed or Stolen 10 LOST- Man's large black leather billfold. Reward. Atwell Derosett Phone 409-W.

LOST- White terrier. Wearing red collar. Reward. Ph. NO.

2-8496. LOST Large blue tick coon hound, light brown color. Phone 3083 or 4445 J. Reward. LOST Man's Hamilton wrist watch in Gas City Wednesday.

Reward. Phone 3171. Gas City. LOST OR STRAYED Female, Beagle hound, heighth 14 head, black tan spotted body, between 11-12 years old, slightly hard hearing, hair missing on 2 inches top of tail, answers to Phone 3903 or NO 2-7283. AUTOMOBILES Automobiles for Sale 1951 CHIEFTAIN- Catalina Pontiac fully equipped, or would accept older car as trade.

Phone 2149 Sweetser. 1949 HUDSON Super 6. 4 door sedan, excellent condition. BARKER McCLAIN 16th Washington BELL'S TRAILER SALES New and Used Trailers Long Terms at Bank Rates 30th By Pass FOLLOW THE LITTLE CARS TO MORRIS AUTO SALES 409 W. 3rd St.


NOrth 2-2574 BUY OR TRADE AT DON MARSHALL AUTO SALES 3212 S. Adams St. Phone 1954 1953 CHEVROLET-2 door, "210" 1952 CHEVROLET-4 door, delux 1950 FORD door 1952 WILLY'S Station, wagon 1950 -Super hardtop 1950 DESOTO-4 door, custom 1949 -Club coupe 1949 MERCURY- Club sedan 1948 PONTIAC-4 door, nice 1947 OLDS-2 door hydramatic SEE Kenny Hefner or Jack Buchanan AT KENNY'S AUTO SALES 1015 N. Wash. Phone 5633 1948 CHEVROLET- -Club coupe, customized.

1948 CHEVROLET-4 door 1947 PONTIAC-4 door 1941 FORD -Nice 1941 CHEVROLET-gond 1940 BUICK-4 door More Cars TO Choose From VANDIVER'S USED CAR LOT 35th and Adams ALL KINDS GOOD USED CARS KILEY SALES SERVICE Boots St. at River 5435 BUICK-Super 4 Phone. one owner, 2 tone, low mileage. $1,650 1950 BUICK-Special, automatic drive, light green finish. $550 1943 BUICK-Super 4 door, nice condition.

$425 1948 CHEVROLET-2 door Fleetline. fully equipped. $340 1948 CHEVROLET-2 door Fleetline, fully equipped. $290 1947 FORD V-8-Fordor, has the works. $250 1947 CHEVROLET-Club Coupe, has everything.

$225 1947 BUICK-4 door. white sidewalls. fully equipped. $275 1947 6-4 door, new tires. $165 1946 MERCURY-4 door Station Wagon, genuine leather.

$225. 1942 PACKARD 6-4 door, cleaner than A 47, new. tires. $75 PAUL SMITH JOHN L. JONES 13th By-Pass Phone 4037 JANUARY SPECIALS 1951 Henry $245.

1951 Studebaker Champion $375 1949 Buick 2 door $395 1949 Plymouth Special Deluxe $345 Two 1949 Choice $3.15 1949 Chrysler Convertible $325 1948 Bwick 4 door $275 1948 Chrysler door $225 Two 1946 Chevrolet, Choice $195 OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM ROSS USED CARS Marion Ave. By-Pass Ph. NO 2-2796 Eve. 6371-J Auto Trucks for Sale 12 TRUCK BED 13 ft. with sides $50.

Lee Stevens, East Swayzee. 1948 STUDEBAKER-1 ton. Very good mechanically, low millage, Phone 4047 or inquire at. 623 W. 2nd.

St. 1950 DODGE -I ton truck. 650x16 dual wheels, 8ft. flat bed, excellent condition. BARKER McCLAIN 16th Washington Auto Accessories, Tires, Parts 13 Auto Parts Wrecker Service SPENCER SALVAGE.

Service. Phone 4300-W. 17th and By-Pass AUTOMOBILES Repairing, 'Service Stations 16 EXPERT MECHANICAL SERVICE On All Make Cars and Trucks We Use Genuine Factory Parts CENTRAL CHEVROLET. INC. 221 W.

Second St. Pb. NOrth 2-6696 EXPERT -Body and Mechanical Service on All Make Cars J. MATTHEWS, Inc. 316 W.

3rd Buick Service Parts. Accessories. BUSINESS SERVICE Business Service Offered SEWER CLOGGED--Cleaned with modern Roto Rooter equipment TANKS Cesspools cleaned with modern pump. BEEKMAN ROTO ROOTER W. 5th Phone 1203 TREE TRIMMING -And removal service.

Phone 5793. TAX RETURNS Prepared, 3409 Home Ave. Phone: 4783-M. SLATE AND METAL ROOF Guttering. Furnace Cleaning ACME SHEET METAL WORKS W.

6th (Phone 2960 CABINET WORK- Specializing in Built-in kitchens, free estimates! Phone 56-R after 4 p.m. TRIM TREES Repair flues; landscape: spray termites. Ph. 3607-1 JANUARY SPECIAL 9x12 rugs cleaned for $3.95. BROWN-TRUEBLOOD, INC.

FLOOR- -Sanding, carpentry. References. Phone Gas City 8-4811. TREE WORK Fireplace furnace wood, lanscaping insurance. LANTER Phone 1556 INTERIOR DECORATING, KEMTONING.

PHONE. 2716-J. Plumbing Repair Service Long-established Firm. BRYANT PLUMBING CO. Ph.

339 TAX Returns prepared. Frank Middleton. 636 W. 1st. Side entrance on Hill St.

Ph. NO 2-7336 WELL-Drilling, repairing. Pumps repaired, installed. Helvie Sons. Ph.

Gas City 8-2761. ing and leveling. Foundation WANTED. House and barn movwork of all kinds. Phone andria, Ind.

4-2681 or 4-2678. QUALITY PLUMBING REASONABLE. Phone 4535-M. TWIN CITY SEWER SERVICE Clean 'sewer lines, septic tanks. Ph.

McCormick Gas City 5801-82331 PLASTERING And patching, guaranteed. Phone '3333. PAINTING Interiors, Kemtoning and cleaning. Phone 5105-W From $2 SWEEPERS to $139.50 SO KARNES SWEEPER CO. Phone 1772 38th Wash.

St. PAINTING Interior decorating. guarantee, reference ph. 5618Mx HAULING Asnes, trash, dirt, gravel, stone, dump PHONE 3029 SEPTIC TANKS -Cesspools, toilet vaults. vacuum cleaned: sewer lines.

Basem*nt drains cleaned with electric cutting knives. Concrete tanks sold and installed. DAVID SEWER CLEANERS 1039 E. 38th St. I Ph.

4415-W. WE REPAIR SEWING MACHINES ALL MAKES Let a Singer expert tune up your sewing machine. Reasonable charges. Estimates furnished in 'advance. Call your SINGER SEWING MCHE, CO.

412 S. Washington Phone 372 COMPLETE Vaccum Parts and Repair Service EMMONS 3101 S. Wash. St. Phone 801 WASHER REPAIR All makes of wringer type washers.

Good stock of parts and rolls. We ilize on Maytags. BARNETTE APPLIANCE CO. 111 S. Wash.

Phone 3444 Television Sales Service 18A TELEVISION Repairs, prompt dependable service. Ovie's TV Service THIS 411-W TELEVISION REPAIR Service any make or model." New location 37th ByPass City T.V.5431 Building and Contracting 19 GARAGES UTILITY BUILDINGS No Down Payment 14 20 complete $19 per mo. WE ALSO DO SIDING CONSTRUCTION For free estimates Ph. NO 2-6916 Cleaning, Dyeing, Renovating 20 WE PICKUP DELIVER We give Holden stamps. DRUMMOND DRY CLEANERS Ph.

48 Mary Beckmon, Owner Dressmaking and Millinery 21 ALTERATIONS Reasonable rates Phone NO 2-2676. Heating, Plumbing, Roofing 22 ROOF LEAK? Phone 108 STATE ROOFING CO. 115 E. 6tl NOTICE Heat with LP We rent you 500 or 1000 gal. tanks.

24 hr. service. SKELGAS SALES SERVICE 34th By Pass Phone 2217 Laundering 24 WANTED--Ironings in my home, work guaranteed. Ph. 3284M.

WASHINGS Wanted. Pickup delivered. phone 2394. LAUNDRY- -Reasonable, tic equipment. Ph.

NO 2-8823. DO IT YOURSELF Miscellaneous 30 PRE-FINISHED OAK KITCHEN CABINETS Commercial Lumber Co. Ph. 1881 MAKE YOUR OWN Chairs, desks, storm windows, screens, etc. with REYNOLDS "Do Yourself" "Aluminum.

Use ordinary tools. MARION HARDWARE CO. 1566 Phones 1567 RENT A BENDIX Work Free WASHER Requires no Plumbing or Permanent Installation or Fluff and Tumble DRYER Gas Electric $1.00 each per week Call 5188-5189 JONES CO. 110 W. First St.

EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted--Female 32 TAKE Advantage of the ever increasing demand for Avon Cosmetics. Become a representative today. For interview write Mrs. Beabout. P.

O. Box 905, Muncie. 11 Ta 13 HIS 3 "i l' A -3 1, 7-- I A i it I' 14.

Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

Phone: +6838967160603

Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.