nat he by I by 1925. of is in of in of the In eL Ina out the Ina with 50 in the 110 do THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY MORNING, DEC. 29, 1926 Section -Page FIVE New Orleans and New York Cotton New York Financial News Stocks NEWS AND VIEWS OF MARKETS Cotton Seed Oil Livestock Bonds Market Money Liberty Bonds and Others Dairy Poultry Farm Products WANT FARMERS TO QUIT COTTON Rutherford Meeting Will Try To Start Diversification (Special To The Citizen) FOREST CIAY, N. Dec. will be a meeting of There the farmers and business men of this county at the Kiwanis hall, Forest City, Tuesday, January 4, 10:30 a.
for the purpose of launching a diversified farming in this county, Following this meeting there will te held in various places throughout the county, group meetings, to emphasize the importance of substituting other profitable crops in connection with cotton production. Leadfeel that the campaign is most gent in order to reestablish farmin this county on a profitable sis. E. S. Milisaps, district agent, farm demonstration work, Statesville, N.
will make an address on a "Better Balanced Agriculture." No effort wil be made to turn farmers away from cotton entirely. They know how to raise cotton and are equipped for its culture, but at the same time they are consumers as well as producers, 80 the main effort will be to drive home the importance of having more than one money crop. Cotton necessarily one of the two. The other money crop might be feed for livestock, gardens. poultry, dairy products or pork.
The plan of this reduction of cotton is to have more acreage of feed and food crops and more live stock to consume the crops. Immediately after the meeting and Tuesday, lay the plans committee whereby will the pro-, gram as presented by Mr. Millsaps may be carried out in Rutherford county. COMMERCE COURSE OFFERED IN MANY SCHOOLS OF U.S. CHICAGO.
Dec. 28. (P)-Ninety universities and 3,700 high schools in the United States now offer courses in commerce, Willard J. Wheeler. of Birmingham, told the National Commercial Teachers' Federation which he heads, today.
Private schools, he recommended, should broaden their courses to include some subject taught only In universities, and universities should adopt from private schools 501 of the more practical methadl of teaching. Asheville Cemetery Jas. W. Williams, Montview Acres J. W.
Dermid, W. J. Schaffner, T. A. Luther, Louise McElroy, Mrs.
Julia E. Layman, E. W. Davis, John Craig, Robert Tucker, W. R.
Whitson et al, Mona Devinish, Ralph Fawcett and all other persons interested in the report of the City Engineer, filed in the office of the Secretary-Treasurer of the City of Asheville, assessing the cost of constructing a certain sheet asphalt paving against you, which paving runs from Birch Pearson Drive to Cemetery Gate, in said city. You will take notice that said report has. been filed according to law, and that the Mayor and Board of Commissioners of said city, at their meeting to be held 12th day of January 1926 will consider said report and take action as tion to the above report must they may deem proper. Any objecmade in writing under oath and filed in the office of the SecretaryTreasurer at least two days prior to above date. This 23rd day of Dec.
1926. E. G. Thompson, Secretary-Treas. To Jos.
D. Smith, Cora J. Shuford, Owen Gadger, M. C. Wall.
Isaac Michalove and all other persons interested in the report of the City Engineer filed in the office the Secretary-Treasurer of the City of Asheville, assessing the cost constructing a certain Sanitary Sewer against you, which Sewer runs Lout Street in said city. You will take notice that said report and that Mayor and Board of has been filed, according to law. Commissioners of said city, at their meeting to be held the 13th day of January 1927, will consider said report and take such action as they may deem proper. You are herefore required to appear at aid meeting and show cause, it ny, why said report shall not be onfirmed and the liens assessed as provided by law. This 13th G.
THOMPSON, Dec. 14--20 Times. Cotton Market NEW ORLEANS COTTON NEW ORLEANS, Dec. The cot ton market quiet today with the price trend mildly downward mainly owing to the official forecast for better weather in the belt as a result of the cold wave. Liverpool was A shade lower than due and the market here showed opening losses of to 5 3 points.
After promptly recovering the market later turned easier on selling on tire better weather and by 10011 had lost 13 to 15 points compared with yesterday's close. After 01 the market became very quiet and fluetuated narrowly within a few points and always near the lows. The market rallied moderately In the late trading on covering, recovering about 6 to points from the lows and closed steady at a net decline for the day of 5 to 8 points. Previous High Low Close Close (Range) (Inside) Jan. 12.56 2.630 64 March 12.55 12.70471 12.78 May 12.96 12.82 89 0 90 12.97 July 13.10 13.00 13.07 13,12 Oct.
13.23 13.10 13.16017 13.23 Opening: January 12.63; March 12.74; May July 13.07; October 13.21. Spot closed quiet, 8 pointa down. cotton, low middling 10.38; middling 12.68; middling 13.48; receipts stock 655,980. NEW ORLEANS OIL NEW ORLEANS, Dee. prospects for better weather for gathering cotton the market for cottonseed oil futures ruled dull but steady today with little disposition shown to trade.
Prime summer oil closed unchanged at 7.15 and prime crude closed at 6.50. Futures closed dull, January March 7.40; May 7.65; July 7.75; September 7.80. NEW YORK COTTON NEW YORK, Dee. 28. -A reactionarv tone developed in the cotton market today.
The advance of a cent A pound from recent low levels seemed to have eased the technical position and a further slight advance at the opening met' a little southern selling and realizing. March contracts eased off from 12.90 to 12,72 and closed at 12.78, the general market closing steady, at a net decline of 2 to 5 points. The opening was steady at an advance, of 5 recent to 8 points buying on movement continuation in" spired by the steadiness of near months, continued unfavorable weath er for saving late cotton in the South, and the apparent absence of any selling pressure of consequence in the southern spot markets. January sold up to 12.79 and May to 13.08, but at these figures, demand seemed to taper off as if the short Interest had been considerably reduced. The market soon turned easler under realizing.
Previous High Low Close Close (Range) (Inside) Jan. 12.72 12.51 12.59 0 60 12.64 March .12.90 12.72 12.780 80 12.83 May 13.09 12.90 12.98 0099 13.02 July 13.28 13.09 13.16 13.18 Oct. ....13.40 13.26 13.33 13.33 Opening: January 12.71: March 12.90; May 13.07; July October 13.40. Futures closed steady, 2 to 5 points lower. Spot steady; middling 13.00.
NEW YORK OIL NEW YORK, Dec. up of December contracts in cottonseed oil caused considerable irregulality of that position which advanced points early today on urgent short covering, but reacted later under liquidation. Other positions were steady on commission house, buying. Two December notices were Issued, a total of 6 for the month. The close was 20 points lower on December and 1 higher to 3 lower on later positions.
Sales 7.100 barrels. Prime crude 6.50; prime summer yellow spot 8.00: December closed 8.00: January 8.14; March 8.31; May 8.45; July 8.62. LIVERPOOL COTTON LIVERPOOL, Dec. spot quiet; steady; American strict good middling good middling middling 7.22; middling 6.87: strict low middling 6.37: low middling 5.82: strict good ordinary 5.47: good ordinary 4.82. Sales 5.000 .000 bales, including 4,900 American.
Receipts 11,000 bales, American 6,100. Putures closed quiet. December 6.63; January 6.65: March 6.77; May 6.89; July 6.99; October .07. Ellenboro Farmers Take Short Course (Special To The Citizen) FOREST CITY, N. Dec.
More than 15 Ellenboro farmers have enrolled for a winter shortcourse in agriculture to be taught at the Ellenboro school by A. B. Bushong, agriculture instructor for the Ellenboro school. They will begin their course Tuesday evening. January 4, at 7 when the first lesson on poultry will be taught.
The class will meet on Tuesday and Thursday evenings of ench week until the course, consisting of eight lessons on poultry and five lessons on hogs, will have been completed. It is believed that the course will stimulate interest in poultry raising, and will he a great help in getting more and better flocks in the community. The course 18 offered free to those who wish to advantage of the instruction. Michigan has the only state constitution with a provision for a universtiy. The University of Michigan was established when the territory became a state in 1837.
The Right Policy There are a great many Life Insurance policies you can take out; but the right policy is the one that will give your heir the income you wish. Experienced officers of this institution will be glad to assist you in planning your dependent's future. Insurance Department COMMERCE UNION TRUST CO. IN THE GRAIN PIT CHICAGO GRAIN CHICAGO. Dec.
28-Heavy selling out on the part of holders of December contracts tumbled values down in all the grain pits today. The severest jolt was to wheat, the July delivery of which dropped to a new low price record for the season. Deeded enlargement of the amount of wheat afloat for Europe was all outstanding bearish factor. Wheat closed unsteady, to 44 net lower with corn to 23. oats to off and provisions unchanged to 30c up.
Wheat finished at virtually the day's lowest level. Not only was the sunply of wheat 011 ocean passage shown to be much larger than was generally supposed, but the North American visible supply was also revealed 65 having Increased for the week. Be. sides, wheat deliveries in Chicago today on December contracts persisted to be of liberal volume, and the fact gradually became evident that liquidation by owners of December wheat was in progress on a large scale. With wheat supplies on the ocean totaling 40,688.000 bushels, compared with 30.920,000 bushels last year and with Argentine crop estimates being revised upward, buying power in Chicago quickly flattened out when selling pressure today became urgent, pecially during the late dealings.
The break In prices led to some export business. but foreign demand as a whole was disappointing. Corn and oats gave way with wheat. Commission house buying rallied the provision market. High Low Close 1361 13614 1381 130 715 70 70 811.
794 79 45 45 50 48 45 47 47 102 99 97 12.45 12.30 12.37 14.72 12.55 12.65 13.87 13.87 15.20 15.25 15.13 14.95 15.25 15.20 Close Close Opening Y't'day Yr Ago Today 1401 187 153 711 89 18 40 181 46 96 1084 109 1161 12.35 14.65 12.60 14.47 12.55 13.57 14.75 13.82 15.12 11.90 15.25 11.95 15.67 WheatDee. May July CornDee. May July OatsDec. May July Rye-Dee. May July LardJan.
RibsJan. May BelliesJan. May WheatDec. May July CornDec. May July OatsDec.
May July RyeDec. May July LardJan. May RibsJan. May BelliesJan. May CHICAGO CASH GRAIN CHICAGO, Dec.
28. Cash wheat No. 2 red 1374: No. hard corn No. 2 mixed 73: No.
2 yellow oats No. 2 white 481 50: No. 3 white rye No. 3, barley 78; timothy seed 6.0005.75: clover seed 25.00032.50: lard 12.32; ribs 11.25; bellies 17.25. FOREIGN EXCHANGE NEW YORK, Dec.
exchanges steady. Quotations in cents: Great Britain demand 4.81 1-16: cables 4.85½: 60-day bills on hanks 4.80 15-16: France demand 3.96; cables 3.96½: Italy a demand 4.51: cables 4.52. Demand: Belgium Germany 23.84¼: Holland 39.98½: Norway 25.30½: Sweden 26.72: Denmark 2.66: Switzerland 19.34¾: Spain 15.28: Greece 1.24¾: Poland 11.75; CzechoSlovakia 2.96: -Slavin 1.16¾: Austria 14.12½: Rumania Argentina 41.31¼: Brazil 11.87½: Tokyo Shanghai 59.62½: Montreal 99.93¾. JACKSONVILLE NAVAL STORES JACKSONVILLE, Dee. 28.
Turpentine steady at 79: sales 109: receipts 131; shipments 150; stock 267. Rosin steady: sales 344: receipts 492: shipments 180; stock 88,219. Qoute: to I 10.40: 12.60: 13.05: 14.00; WG 15.00; WW 16.76; 17.00. SAVANNAH NAVAL STORES SAVANNAH. Dec.
steady, 78; sales 300: receipts 211: shipments 54: stock 11,410. Rosin quiet; no sales; receipts shipments 671; stock 97.982. Quote: 10.25: DE 10.50: 10.75: GH 10.80: 12.72½: 13.00; 13.75; WG 15.00: CHICAGO PRODUCE CHICAGO, Dec. higher; receipts 11,862 tubs: creamery extras 51: standards 49: extra firsts 480 19; firsts 41446: seconds EggS higher: receipts 6,519 cases; firsts 414 41: ordinary firsts 38640: refrigerator extras 35; refrigerator firsts POTATOES CHICAGO, Dec. ceipts ears: on track 168: total U.
8. shipments 316 cars: trading good: market firm: Wisconsin sacked round whites 2350 350; Idaho sacked russets 273 300: occasional shade higher; mostly 280 200. MONEY NEW YORK, Dec. 28. -Call money firm: all loans closing bid time loans steady; mixed collateral 60-90 days 4-6 months 4 Prime mercantile paper METALS NEW YORK.
Dec. 28. Copper quiet: electrolytic spot and futures Tin weak: spot and nearby 66.50: February 66.12. Iron quiet, unchanged. Lead dull: spot 7.80: zine dull; East St.
Louis spot and futures 7.05. Antimony spot 13.23. RICHMOND LIVESTOCK RICHMOND, Dee. 28. Hogs receipts moderate early top 12.25 per hundred pounds.
Cattle receipts moderate, market steady to strong. 11.00. Sheep no receipts reported. NEW ORLEANS RICE NEW ORLEANS. Dec.
rice quiet. Sales none. Recelpts 732. Clean rice quiet and steady: sales 365: Blue Rose at 25 Lady Wright al Receipts 3,958. Bran 11.00: polish 25.00.
LONDON, -Dec. SILVER, Bar silver LONDON 21 15-16 pence per ounce: money per cent; discount a rates, short bills per cent: three months bills 9-16 per cent. CHICAGO POULTRY CHICAGO. Dec. alive firm: receipts 7 cars: fowls springs 18 4 25: turkeys 36; roosters 18; ducks 20 0 23; geese 20027.
DRYGOODS NEW YORK. Dee. goods were quiet and steady today, A new agency for selling the largest line of cotto blankets through salers, In giving rise to considerable discussion In mercantile channels, foreshadowing greater co-operation between selling agents and wholevalera. Burlaps were quiet. Raw silk Was unchanged and silk goods quiet.
Heavy wool goods kold better In retail channels. COTTON Starch futures closed: January 12.51: 12.66; May 12.85. Wall Street Briefs NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE STOCK MARKET AVERAGES 20 Ind. 20 Rails Tuesday S8 Monday Week ago Year ago 141,63 117.31 Hich 1926 Low 1926 123.11 105.88 Total stock sales 1,996,600 shares. NEW YORK, Dee.
sharp downward readjustment of prices took place In today's stock market. Selling orders apparently were for both the long and short accounts and spread over a father broad list, final NEW YORK. Dec. Following the compiete closing list nt todas's transactions on the New York Stock Exchange. Sales High Lair Abltibl pow paper 51 1 Ahraham STERNA 12 Adv Rumely Ads Rumely pfd 32 Ahumada lead Reduction Ajas Rubber Alaska Juneau cold All Am Cables Al chem dye Alls Chalmers mfg Amal Leather Amerada corp Am actI chent Am agri chem pid Am Bosch max Am brake shoe fdv 119 Am brown boverl elec 314 Ani beet sUg Am Can Am Car fdy 101 Am chain Am Chicle Ant chicle etfs Am Drug sIn Am Express 130 130 A tr for power Am A for power pf4 Am Am hide n.
leath pfd 50 Am Home prod Am Ice Amt Internati corp Am la france tire 10 Am linseed A12 Linseed Am locomotive Am marh fdy Amt Metal Ar pow 1gt 12 61 Am radiator 117 Am railway exp Ant safety razor new Am ship com 11 Ain smelting ref 360 Am snuff Amt steel 10 Am sugar refining Am sumatra toh Am Tel Tel Am Tobacco nfd Am tobacco B. A Woolen Am type fora Am wt works el Am Wool pfd 84 Am wte paper pfd Am zine lead smelt Am zine lead sni pfd Anaconda copper Archer daniels midland 411 41 Archer dantels midi pfd 106 Atmour co of Del pfd A1 03 Armour co of 111 A. Armour co of 111 B. Arnold Constable Corp dry Eds 42 Asso drs Eds 2nd pfd 110 110 110 AT Sante Fe. 258 149 166 Atehison pid 1011, All Bir Atl ry 25 Atl Coast line 20 202 Ail Gull WI 13 10 5 Atl Gulf ft WI pid ALL Refining Austin Nichols pfd 10 60 Austin Nichols co 14 11 Auto Knit hosiery Baldwin locomotive Baldwin locomotive pfd Baltimore Ohio Baltimore Ohio pfd Bangor aroostock Barnet Leather Bernadall corp Barnsdall corp B.
Bayuk Beiding CIgAr Heminway 3 Bethlem steel Beth steel pfd Bloominedale Bros Bethany con mills Briggs mfg co British Empire steel Bklyn manh trans Bklyn manh trans pid Bklyn union Kas Brown shoe 34 34 34 Brunswiek Balke coll 36 Brunswick Term Ty Buff susque Burns bros A. 127 Burns bros B. Burroughs add mach Bush terminal cop zine Butte f1 superior min Butterick co Byers co AM Calif packing Cal petroleum Calumet Calumet heels arizona con min cop ERE. Canada dry ging ale Canadian Pacifie 166 Case Threshing mach 150 Central Alloy Steel Central Leather Central Leather etfs Central Leather pfd 52 Cerro de paseo copper 62 Certainteed Prod (handler Clere Motor Chandler Cleve pfd Chesapeake Ohio 182 Chicago A Alton Chicago Alt pfd Chicago pid Chicago western Chicago western pfd Chicago Mil A St. l'aul Chic mil St.
etfs Chic mil at pfd Chic mil at etfs Chic North west Chic North west pfd Chicago pneumatic tool Chic Rock 14 APac 62 6914 CRI 68 pfd CRI pid 104 102 Chile copper Chrysler corp 12 41 Chrysler corp pfd 103 103 103 (Tuett peabody Coca Cola 55 Collins A Alkman fuel iron Colorado Southern C'olumbia gas elec Colum Carbon Commercial credit Com Inv pfd Commercial sole B. 36 Congoleum nairn 37 Congress cigar 11 Consolidated cigar 38 Entent Consol gAS Consol RIt Cuba pfd Consol Textile Cont Baking A. Cont Baking B. Cent baking pfd Continental can Continental motors Corn products Coty Inc 57 Crown wil paper pid 91 Crucible steel Crucible steel nfd 101 104 Cuba Cane sugar 10 10 Cuba Cane BUg pfd Cuba CO The Arser sugar Cuban dom sug new Cudahy packing Cushman's inc 108 Cusamel fruit Davison chemical Delaware A Hudson Del Lack Western Detroit Edison 136 Bierce Raynolds Dodge Bros A. Dodge Bros pfd Dome Mines DES At pfd Du pone da nemours Duquesne light 1st pfd Eastman Kodak Eaton atle A apt Eisenlohr Bros Electric auto lite Electric boat 162 EI pow let EI pow let pfd EL pow let 40 Elec refeigeration Electric storage battery Endicott Johnson pid ETas pub sere Koult off, bide pid 121 Erle H.
Erie 1st pid Erie 2nd pid 40 49 Erie Steam shorel 73 Erie steam shovel pfd 101 Eureka Vacuum Cleaner 66 Fairbanks morse co Famous players lanky l'amous players pid 1 quotations disclosing a long list of net declines ranging from 1 to nearly points, Speculative disappointment over the failure of the Allied Chemical tors to make a more liberal alvidend distribution, and the declaration of only the regalar dividend on AmerIcan Can, was belleved to be the chief influence behind the reaction. Bearish sentiment also was created, hawever. the increase in brokers' tans, and wild rumors concerning with possible break in our relations Mexico as A result of the new land laws which go Into effect In that country on the first of the year. Sales Hich Low Last Fedeti It tract 111 Federal min smelt pfd Fidelity phenis fire Inc 192 First stores Fisk Ruhhet 10 Fisk rubber Flak rub 1st pfd etfa Flatschmann co Foundation For Filmb Freeport TeEn Gabriel Snubber Gardner mater General Asphalt General Asphalt pf4 General Cigar General Electric General Electric apt Gen Gen CAL Gen CAR El pfd A. General Motors General motors 1.
pid Gen nutdoor adv ctfs Gen tollway signal Gimbel Bros 10 Glidden ro Gold dust Goodrich BE co Goodvear TR pfd 99 Gotham silk hosiery 401 Gould coupler 10 Granby consol min Great nor it ore etfs Great northern TV pfd Great west sugar Great west pid Greene copper Guantanamo might Gall Mablle tit Gulf states steel 56 551 Hanna co 1st pfd Hatinian corp Wheel Hoe co A. Houston Oil Hudson manhattan Hudson Motor car 115 Hupp Motor CAr Central Independent oil Indian Refining Inland steal Inspiration copper Intaet rapid trans Intercon rubber Internat agri corp Int agri Dr pid 61 Int Business Mahe 541 Int Cement 52 Int combustion ens Int harvester co Int match partie pfd Int mere marine Int mere marine pfd Int Nickel Int paper 56 Int paper 18 pfd Int Tel Tel Intertype corp Jewel tea 52 Jones bros tea Jordon motor car Kan city southern 12 Kan city AOU pid 64 66 Kansas Gulf Kayser Co. Kayser ca pf4 Kelly springfield tire Kennecott copper Keystone Tire Kinney GR. co Kraft Cheese N4 co 58 Kresge Dept Stores Lactede pfd 100 1 Lago oil A trans Lambert 65 Lee rubber Tire Lehigh valley ral Lehn fink products 36 36 Life savers inc. Liggett myers tob Liggett myers Tob B.
1011. 101 Lims locomotire 66 Liquid carbonic 50 1 Loew's Ine 31 Loft Inc Long bell lumber Loose wiles biscult 161 181 Loritiard pierre co 33 Louisiana oll ref 141 14 16 Louisiana oil 04 Louisville A Nashville 1301 Loutsrille Ease elec A. Ludlum steel Mack truck Mack truck 1st co Mackey nfd Magma cop Manati SHEAr Manati sugar pfd An elec sup Manhattan ry med pid 50 shirt Maracaibo oil 19 Market st Ty pid Marland oll Mathieson alkali works May dept stores Maytag McCrory stores MeCrory stores B. Mexican seaboard Miami Copper Mid continent pet 314 Midle states oil Middle oll etfs Miller Rubber Minneapolis st louts Missouri Kans tex Rissourl Kan ter pid Missouri Pacific Missouri Pacific pid Montana power Montgomery ward Moon motor car Mother lode coalition Motion Piet Capital Moto Meter Motor Wheel 20 Munsingwear Murray body corp Nash motors National Acme stpd National biscuit DA 91 National biscuit pfd 130 130 130 Cash register National Clk Suit National elk suit pid Nat Dairy prod Nat dept stores Nat distillers prod Nat enamt stamping National lead National lead pfd Nat pow A let National supply con ROW NY Air Brake Canners Central Chi A st. Louis Chi A St.
nf4 Dock One West Tys corp etfe NY State Ty NY New Har A Rifd Norfolk Southern Norfolk A Western American en North American pfd North Pacific Norwalk tire A ruh well supply Oil well sup pfd Omnibus corp Oppenheim collins Otis elevator 129 120 Otis Nteel Outlet co pf4 Owens Bottle Pacifie Car elect Pacific oll Packard motor Palge Detrolt Motor l'an am petroleum l'an pet B. l'an Am western B. Panhandle brad A ref l'ark Tilford Pathe exchange Peerless motor car Pe nick ft Ford Penn disle cement Penn disie cement pfd 99 Pennsylvania fiR 56 Penn seaboard steel Peoples Chicago 120 Phila rdg coal Iron 45 Phila rde etfa 44 Philip Morris Co. Phillips Jones corp Phillips Petroleum 208 Phoenix hosiery Pierce motor car 31 Plerce artow fpd 106 4 Plerce alt Pierce Petroleum PILE West Va P'orto rican am tob Pressed steel car 40 R. RANDOLPH BALL, President P.
N.C.., NEW YORK BONDS NEW YORK, Dee. -Net operatIng Income of approximately 000 estimated for all class one railroads November, against actual net $106.924.350 November, 1926, and $116.099, for October this year. based on aggregate net of the first 38 carriers Such sult would represent the month's proportion an annual return of 5.78 cent oIL the rate making per Lion of at the end of The Norfolk and Western had hig November, KIOSK revenues being nearly $2,000,000 more than to Noven ber last year and surplus $3,887.704 after interest, against Total Income for eleven months rose to 950 from $29.829,932 In the same period of 1925 and surplus after charges to $33,768,662 from $24,099,344. Conservative action will be recommended the nature of capitalization of some of the Increased profits made Eureka Vacuum Cleaner In 1926, at the directors' meeting January 1. President Wardell auld today after stockholders had authorized A11 19- crease in capital stock from 250,000 to 500,000 shares at a special meeting in Detroit.
The New York Stock Exchange firm of Rutter and Gross will change Its name en January 1 to E. H. H. Simmona and Company, taking up the name of the president of the exchange, who Is active floor member. A.
Comatock and E. P. Da vies will continue as partners ot Mr. Simmons In the firm. Surplus of the Southern Railway Company for the eleven months of 1926 amounted to $21.845,000, equal after 5 per cent preferred dividends to $15.91 share on the common stock, compared with $19.820,000.
or $14.23 share 01l the common in the corresponding period of 1925. Hales High Low Producers refiners Producers refiners eta Punite serv corD NJ Public serv el gas pid Pullman ea P'unta Alegre Pure oil Purity Bakeries Purity bakeries ptu Radio corp of Am Radio corp prd Ray consolidated cop Reading co 108 tending rts Reading 1st pfd Reading 2nd pfd Heal silk hine mills Reid Ice cream Roels co Itoht Remington Replogla steel Republie Iron steel Republic tr st pid Reynolds tobacco Rosala Insurance Noyal dutch NY shares Safety cable St. Joseph lead AL. Louis San fran Louts Southwestern 62 Louis south pfd Schulte retall stores 1 50 Schulte retail st pid Seaboard air line Seaboard air line nfd 41 Noagrave corp Seneca copper Shell union oil Shell union oil pfd 108 Shubert theater corp 50 Simmons FO Hears Roebuck Simins Petroleum Sinclate con oil 100 Skelly ell 34 Siess sheft Iron South potto rico SUgAr Southern cal edison Houthern Dairies Southern Dairies B. Houthern pacific Southern railway Southern ry pid Spicer mf Standard gas elen 56 Stan elec pid standard oil calif 33 Standard oil NJ 184 Standard oll NJ pid 11 115 Standard plate class Sterling products 91 91 Stewart Warner speed 63 631 Stromberg carbureter 50 1 49 corp 55 Superior Submarine co oll of boat Am To Symington CO Tennessee Cop Chem TeEns co Teras corp new Texas gulf sulphur new Texas 11 l'ae Ter Pae Coal oil The fair to Thin ty Thompson Tidewater all Tinken roller bearin Tobacco products 108 Tobacco prod A.
115 Transcon oil Transue williams steel Twin City rap trans Underwood typewriter Union bag paper 42 Union carbide carbon Union 01l of Cal 103 55 50 Union Pacifie 23 142 160 Inion P'acifie pfd 80 A United Cigar stores 95 96 Drug 164 United Drug 1st pfd United Fruit 118 United Paperboard 220 ir pipe ft fdy pid 115 Hoffman mach 55 Indust alenhol 11 Indust alcohol pfd Realty A Impror Ituhber Rubber 1st pfd 101 101 Sipelt refining 22 Steel corp 001 Steel pfd 130 Entr pipe rad Unir pipe rad pid Utilities pow A. Vanadium corp Van Kualte co Vick Chemical 47 Virginia Carolina chem Vid is part pid Vivaudou Ine 35 Ty Wabash pfd A. Waldorf System 23 Walworth co 19 Ward baking 30 Warner bros pict A. 113 Warren bros to 66 Weber f1 heilbroner 15 PM pen West penn pow 6s pf4 103 103 Western maryland Western P'arifle Western pacific pfd Western Union Tel Westingh air brake 11 Westingh elec mfg Weston elec instrument Wheeling 1. Erie Wheel 1.
Erie pre White Eagle oll White Motor co White Ek min spres 25 Wickwire spen steel etfs Overland 191 Wilson CO Wilson co A. Woolworth EW Yale towne Worth Worth Yellow Wright Worthingtn I'M I'M trurk aeronautical pid pf4 pump conch A. mach 39 1 46 Vel tr coarh pfd 99 Youngstown sheet tube 89 Total sales 1,999,400 against vious day a week A and year REO. From January 1 to date against 417 685,509 year ago and 217,786,500 tWO years ago, SILVER NEW YORK, Dec. silver 54: Mexican dollars 41.
BOND MARKET AVERAGES Tues. Mon. first grade rails 93,12 Ten secondary rails 95.05 Ten public utilities 95.70 Ten Industrials 101.38 Combined average 96.14 96.31 Combined month ago 95.91 Combined year ago 93.15 Total sales (par value) $12,071,000, NEW YORK, Dec. -Bond prices resumed their upward movement today, although trading continued at a slow pace and buying netivity limited to selected list of Investment issues. Firm money rates again neted as a restraining influence.
United States government obliga- NEW YORK. Dee. to. lay's closing prices of hands on the New York stock and the total sales of each hand, Am chente 101 Hud Stan Ha Am chain 1014 do Am smelting 100 til bell tel A SE refin central Am tel tel Na Int rap transit do col da Am it mere Anacon copper 74 paper do 61 da Andes cop tel tel Ana Chit nit K0 pee light Armor Co 5 95 k4 southern do 91 Q0 term San 91 Lark steel 100 line Halt Ohio L8 Mg deb do 58 100 Lou Nash 02 do etfa dir 101 Lou elec 100 do est 4 1 4 Manita Bernal cort 99 Manh Bell tel PA 103 Market Beth steel Midrale steel do MK new S. 8rk edison do adj 5.
Brk rap Mo pacific Cent leather 4. 101 da Cher Obie 99 4 do gen gen 93 Montana power Chi 111 Nassau electrie Chi dairy preit St 54 tel tel Terre Haute re Chile copper 110 NYC HR deb CIt ave power do St 1 NYC 8t Cleve term edison Come power NY NH I col 103 4 coal Marvi 4 NY r'way Ind Con CAR NY NY telephone Cons power do Crown WIlm 0 power Cuba CAnO Nort South Cub dom No Am com 05 cyt No Am edison RG con Pl North preifie do western North pacifie Detralt edison 5s States DoTE 100 Do lite bros 69 Ore short line Duquen light Wash Pr Cuba 101 elec 100 Emp fu 105 4 tel tel do 160 Pan Am trans 105 Erie con lien Penn r'road 111 do gen do 102 do CAL 40 99 4 Flor 1 coast Si l4 l'en 0 Chi 102 lien petrol 100 Phile ret 104 G'year Pierce arrow do 81 120 Granbe con mi is Pub Gt northern Pub serv NJ 103 Hersh choo 101 Rem arms 96 do Reading con 08 CHICAGO LIVESTOCK CHICAGO. Dec. 28. Hogs 87.000: closing In deadlock values little changed from early: practical top 11.90: bulk desirable hogs all weights 11.75011.90; most packing NOWN 10.60 010.90; few light weights 11.00 and better: bulk laughter pigs 11.600 11.85.
Cattle 11,000: well finished ted steers and yearlings fairly active: fully steady; short feda in liberal supply weak to unevenly lower: largely 25 to 50c off for two days; best yearlings 13.00; 1361 pound steers 11.00; bulk fed steers 8.60010.00: she stock and bulla steady to strong: vealers 50 to $1,00 higher; outsiders mostly 13.600 14.50: few lighter weight vealers to packers 11.50012.60. Sheen better grade handy and medium weight lambs weak to 25c lower; top natives and fed westerna to all Interests 13.16: fair showing 13.00; bulk wooled lambs 12.00 12.75; most heavy lambs 11.50 down: culls steady weak 8.50@9.50; sheen ateady: fat ewes 6.0006.35; top 6.50; yearling wethers 9.00410.00; best held 10.50; feeding lambs unchanged 11.00 best comebacks 12.00. CURB MARKET NEW YORK, Dee. price tendencies became more pronounced in today's curb market, which witnessed heavy liquidation for both accounts in sympathy with the break on the "big board." While a few Issues sagged to new low levels tor the year, there were no signa of acute weakness In any group. Some of the selling, undoubtedly, was inspired by desire to register losses under the Income tax law as those transactions must be completed this week order to ba included In 1926 income tax turns.
Revival of rumors regarding a possible break with Mexico over the land lawn which go Into effect there on January 1 And a new high record in the dally average of crude oll production last week, had depressing effect on the oil shares. Standard Oil of Ohio broke 6 pointe and Prairie, Carib Syndicate, Gulf. Tandem and a few others yielded a point or two. SUGAR NEW YORK, Dec. Raw sugar was quiet again today and 110 salen reported, prices were unchanged at 5.08 for Cuban, duty paid.
Prices ruled steady throughout most the session and about unchanged from the previous close, raw futures reacted under Increased Cuban and commission house selling. Circulation of 60 January notices, and continued Inactivity In the spot market ently accounted for the more liberal offerings. Final prices showed net of 1 to 2 points. Approximate sales were 22,600 tons. January closed 3.15: March 3.24: May 3.30; July 3.37; September 3.42.
Demand for refined was light. Prices were unchanged at 6.10@6.40 for fine granulated. COFFEE NEW YORK. Dec. futures were very quiet again today, but after opening 3 points higher to points lower, Improved slightly on reports of a decrease of 188,000 bags in stocks in the Interior of Santos and Minas for the first half of December.
May Hold up from 13.93 to 14.00, the market closing steady, net unchanged to 6 points higher. Eatimated salon, 13,000 bags. Closing quotations: January 14.45; March 14.50; May 13.98: July 13.53; September 13.08: December 12.75. Spot coffee steady, Rio 78, Santos 48, 0 NEW YORK PRODUCE NEW YORK, Dec. Butter firm: receipta 13,313.
Creamery extras (92 score) creamery firsts (88 to 31 Score) 053. Eggs steady: receipts 25,772. Cheese firm; receipts 228,494. tons displayed the greatest vitality, several lasues advancing to new high levels for year on an unespected revival of buying Interest. Treasury crossed to a record high on a gain of more than a half point and Liberty second which changed hands large volume, again sold 101.
above A brisk demand for Rhinetbe Union 7s, warrants, carrying the bonds Up points to a new peak at 1181. was the feature of trading in the forelan division, The same issue withwarrants sold fractionally higber at Italian Pubile Utality Credit 78 were heavily bought in tion of new Italian utility financing. and French obligations were Arm I around the year's beat prices. Itep 00 15 British RI Ark Lou 98 Canadian 1. 1M 911 do San Fran Chit met bk a Chilean is de RE 31 Cologne Sea air Conenhazen Cuban 12 da ref Sine can oil LA da da Pinish Sine pipe line 1 French 108 South pacific do de ret 48 40 South 119 French nat 94 4 do Ger bank 100 do den ext loan 104 4 west hell tel 103 Gt el pow Jap 1s Tenn el pow 105 Hungarian 100 Third ave Adj 43 5 Hung munto 1 Toledo snit 7 Italian Trumbelt steel 65 97 ledan Ind bank all Calif As Japanese 09 Union pacific Jap star loan 48 90 do ent Mexico assd.
do ref 14 Netherlands US rubber Nond F'way steel 101 Norwezian 101 Utah let trae $4 do 38 4 Utah pow let 98 Par Lyon md VitE way So 103 do 6s Walworth Co Peruvian 100 Warner SURRE 01 Pelith 03 elected 44. ECOCOA. W' Maryland Rhinelhe 99 14 West pacific 99 Rhine Wesph 1013 Wht sew mach 981, Rio. de Janerio 102 Wilson Co 81 101 San Paulo St 88 105 Argen 6. SAx pub 101 Y'stown 8 103 Ta do do af As 0444 Seine 1s 961 do 84 temp Serbs Cr Slov 07 Australian 55 Swiss 5 11 102 Austrian etd 101 Tokyo el lat 64 98 Belgian 101 05 do U8 liberty 101 do do 1st 102.31 Beriin do 14 100.3 Bolivian do 34 101.13 Bordeaux 4 de 4th 103.14 Brazilian 08 tress 103.30 do 6 temp R9 do 105.31 Brall ry el Ta 95 do 110.4 Total sales today $12,071,000 compared welth previous day and 812,654,000 'A New Year's Resolution for YOU resolved NOW to own a home of your own before 1927 comes to a close.
'And resolve also to make that home purchase just as early as possible, before prices begin the inevitable upward trend. Prices today are more attractive than ever before, and we have on our lists a number of exceptionally attractive offerings at sale prices that are their own recommendation. If there is any way we can assist you, either in BUYING or SELLING, we are at your serv4 ice. JACKSON CAMPBELL COMPANY L. B.
JACKSON W. R. CAMPBELL Offices in the Jackson Building, on the ground floor call 170 or 503. HOLIDAY WOOD FIRES Let the winds howl! They only make more evident the Holiday cheer of a blazing open fire of dry Oak Wood. We have it for youdry and well seasoned! And we cut it to any length.
Southern Coal Company 10 N. Pack Square Phone 760 DE.